
写出来和DQ的中国朋友共勉:关于中国人的 CULTURAL BEHAVIOR

(2013-04-15 16:22:41) 下一个
我们休士顿最近刚出了一件关于一个大学ASSISTANT PROFESSOR的事情:这位朋友2008年就任某大学当ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OFSOFTWARE ENGINEERING. 他最近被捕 and charged with making threats on campus. He told another professor he wants to make tenure and said there would "be blood." Investigator said that the other professor on the receiving end of the threat said that she feared for her life and for the safety of her co-workers. Investigators said the threats were made not only against her, but also members of the tenure board. When she asked the Chinese guy to clarify what he meant, court documents show he said "it will be bad for either" decision and "both will be blood."

这个故事一听,就知道是中国式的思维方式惹的祸。我们难道还没有听够某些有一些权柄和能力的国人放狠话吗?什么,”如果不给LZ XXX, LZ就炸了这楼,OR LZ就S给你看, 等等。” 在DQ我们也常常看到某些童鞋放狠话的。我想提醒一下的是,不要养成这种习惯,如果在现实生活中, 不经意间流露出这种意识的话,可能会贻害自已。那时候9晚了。与DQ童鞋共勉8. 送歌《天下没有不散的宴席》,让我们在有限的时间和空间里,让生命放彩:

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