2013 (206)
2014 (286)
2015 (207)
2016 (83)
2017 (254)
2020 (2)
2022 (1)
2023 (9)
2025 (1)
SAMe is made in the body from a reaction between methionine, which is an essential amino acid, and adenosine triphosphate, a molecule that carries energy. SAMe is involved in many different reactions in the body.
SAMe has been used to treat psychiatric illnesses, infertility, liver problems, premenstrual disorders, and musculoskeletal conditions.
SAMe has been widely studied for osteoarthritis and depression. There is evidence that SAMe may help reduce the pain of osteoarthritis.
Some evidence is available for the use of SAMe for depression, fibromyalgia, and bile flow problems during pregnancy. SAMe has also been studied for its potential anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. However, higher-quality studies are needed before conclusions can be made.
研究表明,定期食用S-腺苷甲硫氨酸可抗抑郁,肝脏疾病,和关节炎/关节疼痛。在美国市场上用SAM-e的名字按营养补品销售,有改善情绪、保养肝脏和舒适关节的功效。 随着营养补充品在大众消费中增长,用于治疗目的的S-腺苷甲硫氨酸亦有增加,特别是在1999年营养补充品健康及教育法通过以后。这部法令允许使用和分配S-腺苷甲硫氨酸做为一种可于柜台出售的食物添加剂,并使其通过了FDA的限制性法令。S-腺苷甲硫氨酸已被很多研究性文章证明在治疗上对肝部疾病、情绪失调与骨质疏松症有效。由于其结构上的不稳定性,S-腺苷甲硫氨酸的稳定的盐形式成为其药用的主要形式。尽管其稳定的盐形式已经被制作出来,SAM仍然是易于分解的,因此其售卖者经常要求服食较可能被真正吸收的更多的剂量。广泛报道的副作用是肠胃不适,但是有双相障碍病史的人有发生狂躁症的风险。治疗剂量的范围是800毫克/天到1600毫克/天。