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A number of medical and dental conditions require special care to ensure complete and balanced nutrition while maintaining a soft or liquid diet. Information follows to help guide your choices.
To reduce the pain and/or difficulty swallowing while maintaining a balanced diet, make an effort to choose a variety of pureed foods from the five food groups. Choosing a variety of foods from each food group will provide adequate nutrients as well as prevent boredom in your diet. Servings to meet approximately 2000 calories include the following:
You may want to buy all food or some pureed foods at the grocery store. Small jars of strained baby food contain about one-half cup of food: larger containers usually cost less per serving than single serving jars. While buying pureed food is easier, it generally costs more than making your own.
You can puree many of the foods you normally prepare at home. Homemade pureed foods can taste better than store bought ones. To puree foods at home, you need:
1. Remove skins, seeds, pits, bones, tough membranes and other inedible parts of foods.
2. Cut food into small pieces
3. Cook food until tender. Food already cooked, such as canned fruits, vegetables or meats and fish do NOT need further cooking.
4. Add small amounts of liquid to food to thin to a drinkable consistency. For instance:
This information originally appeared in the Journey Guide Patient Handbook developed by the Ireland Cancer Center at University Hospitals, and was adapted for use on NetWellness with permission, 2013.