


(2015-06-18 18:33:26) 下一个
-- 10.2014 --

不过, 我喜欢女声的咏叹调, 安静的听, 真有一种冲击心灵的感觉.

第一个要说的电影是1997年的科幻片 The Fifth Element <<第五元素>>.

男主是 Bruce Willis, 喜欢威利在 Die Hard series演的John McClane, 好看!
但实在受不了, 他一身西装, 一脸沉思, 两眼隐泪的模样.

这里不是要说威利, 也不是要说Milla Jovovich演的Leeloo, 和她那一身著名的残缺不齐的裹尸布.

Milla Jovovich as Leeloo in the Fifth Element

是要说电影最后, 在歌剧院的那场, 在台上那个蓝色外星人.
看胸是女人, 听声音是女人, 唱的那一首永叹调, Il dolce suono - "The Diva Dance"


演外星人的是法国女演员Maïwenn Le Besco, 难以想象吧, 适当的化装不仅能改变人生还能改变人种.



听歌在这里: www.youtube.com/watch

回到歌剧, 演唱者是阿尔巴尼亚的歌唱家Inva Mula


这首咏叹调, 来自于意大利作曲家Gaetano Donizetti的歌剧Lucia di Lammermoor 《拉美莫爾的露琪亞》 中的一首.

歌剧是根据Walter Scott的历史小说The Bride of Lammermoor改编的. 小说是根据传闻故事改编的. 情节象莎翁的小罗和小朱的故事.

当Lucia在包办婚姻婚礼的当天, 发了疯, 严重刺伤了新郎, 心里想象着和心上人Edgardo结婚的情形.
在这场著名的The "Madness scene", Lucia 唱了这首永叹调.

The sweet sound, hits me, his voice!
Ah, that voice into my heart descends!
Edgardo, I surrender to you
A chill creeps into my breast!
trembles every fibre!
falters my foot!
Near the fountain next to me sit a while!
Alas! arises a tremendous phantom and separates us!
Here let us take refuge, by the foot of the alter.
Strewn is it with roses!
A harmony celestial, do you not hear?
Ah, the marriage hymn plays!
The ceremony for us draws near! Happiness!
Oh, joy that one feels and does not speak of!
The incense burns!
Brilliant the sacred torches, shining all around!
Here is the minister!
Give me your right hand!
Oh, joyous day!
At last, I am your, at last you are mine,
to me you have been given by God.
Every pleasure is more grateful,
(it is) to me, with you, more sweet
From peaceful heaven a smile
life to us will be.

第二部电影是, Philadelphia.

难以忘记那一幕, 当Tom Hanks 演的Andrew Beckett 向 Joe, Denzel Washington演的律师, 解释他所爱的歌剧!
Tom Hanks 演绎的非常好, 不仅解释了歌剧, 更是表达了他那时的心态.
哦, 真爱Tom Hanks!!!

Tom所说的那首咏叹调是,"La mamma morta" ("They killed my mother")
是意大利作曲家Umberto Giordano(翁贝托·焦尔达诺)的歌剧Andrea Chénier《安德烈·谢尼埃》中的一首.

听歌在这里, www.youtube.com/watch

演唱的是Maria Callas, 美国出生的希腊女高音.


背景是, 剧中人Maddalena在述说, 法国大革命中, 她母亲为她牺牲了生命. 原来忠实的仆人趁人之危, 对她无礼. 她几乎绝望. 然后, Maddalena 听到了the "voice of love", 要她刚强.

They have killed my mother
at the door of my room
She died and saved me.
Later, at dead of night,
I was with Bersi,
when suddenly
a bright glow flickers
and lights were ahead of me
the dark street!
I looked –
My childhood home was on fire!
I was alone!
surrounded by nothingness!
Hunger and misery
deprivation, danger!
I fell ill,
and Bersi, so good and pure
made a market of her beauty
for my sake –
I bring misfortune to all who care for me!
It was then, in my grief,
that love came to me.
A voice full of harmony says,
"You must live, I am life itself!
Your heaven is in my eyes!
You are not alone.
I shall collect all your tears
I will walk with you and support you!
Smile and hope! I am Love!
Are you surrounded by blood and mire?
I am Divine! I am the oblivion!
I am the God who saves the World
I descend from Heaven and make this Earth
A heaven! Ah!
I am love, love, love."
And the angel approaches with a kiss,
and he kisses death –
A dying body is my body.
So take it.
I am already dead matter!

听一下, 保证可以让你立刻感觉高大上了.

注明: 图片均来自网络.

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