


(2013-01-06 09:16:56) 下一个

   It is a commonplace to observe that the rise of Red China is transforming the world. Extrapolate from current growth rates and China will be the world’s largest economy by the middle of this century, if not before. If it remains communist, the impact on the world sys-tem will be enormous and very damaging. Britain and the US are, for all their faults, democracies that accept the rule of law. This is not true of China. If an unreformed China takes its place at the top table, the global order will be kinder to despotism; the fragile emergence of an international sys-tem of governance based on the rule of law will be set back and the relations between states will depend even more nakedly on their relative power.

   All that, however, is predicated on two very big “ifs”—if the current Chinese growth rate continues, and if the country remains communist. There are substantial doubts about each proposition. What is certain is that both cannot hold. The pollutions in China are reaching the limits of the eco-sustainability due to the unwise GDP worship policy. The short-visioned One-Child policy has created a population that is older than any natural society. The sophisticating control and censorship deprived Chinese people all their creativities and free wills. The utmost unfair communist society continues to accelerate the process of taking away the opportunities and products from the producers and contributors and giving them to the parasites and bureaucrats. The resources are exhausted because of cheap currency policy. The only way out of this vicious circle is to break away from the current evil slavery sys-tem.

   Note: GDP does not mean profit. China’s GDP is close to Japan’s, but its profit is less than half of Japan’s. The global capitalist investors are the true beneficiaries of the China’s GDP miracle.
   不過,所有這些都是建立在兩個巨大的"如果"之上的: 如果中國現有的增長率繼續下去,以及,如果她始終保持紅色。這兩個如果都十分不可靠。可靠的是,兩個如果不可能同時成立。中國的環境污染已經因其獨裁政權逾演逾烈的盲目的GDP崇拜政策而達到了生態极限,其愚蠢的種族自我滅絕政策已使中國的人口嚴重老化,令人窒息的嚴密監控已經使中國人民完全喪失了創造力和自由意志,極度不公平的分配制度更在加速把機會和成果從生產者手裏奪去送給寄生蟲和官僚。中國的資源已經幾近榨乾。在現有的奴隸制度下,中國不可能從她自己所造成的惡性循環的社會怪胎中升華出來。

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