|  | | 思念
不得见惊鸿, My eyes are hurting
明目为谁生? coz I can't see you.
不得揽佳子, My arms are empty
怀抱恨臂空. coz I can't hold you.
无缘相与吻, My Lips are cold
酷暑觉唇冷. coz I can't kiss you.
思思复念念, But my heart is breaking
我知我心痛. coz I miss you!
似闻呢喃声, I heard someone is calling me,
回首不见侬. when I turned around there were no one.
忽听我心语, Suddenly, I realized it was my heart
思念不可终. that tells me that I'm missing you so.
相忘不可以, Forget you is hard thing to do.
相遇足堪忆. Forget me is up to you.
我自若轻尘, But don't forget we are great together.
不敢强君意. I miss the time being with you.
惟恐不经意, Love will fly
爱即随风逝. if held too lightly.
惟恐太在意, Love will die
既爱又复离. if held too tightly.
苍天如能语, How should I hold you?
示我何以知: How do I know
爱人渐已远, if I'm still keeping you
亦或如我痴. or I'm letting go...
心动在一瞬, It takes a minute to get a crush on someone,
心喜存须臾. an hour to like someone,
心爱经一日, and a day to love someone.
思念无终局. But it takes forever to forget you, I miss you like crazy.
强颜欢笑处, I hide my tears when I say your name
泣泪暗抛时. even though I smile and seem carefree.
个中思念味, There's simply
谁人似我痴. no one who misses you more than me.
不见人已远, I miss you when you are far away.
思念朝暮稠. I think about you every night and day.
若得长相念, Even if we can't be together,
岂在长相守. I will miss you now and forever.
愈爱伤愈深, You are the one I love, the one I need
祈求与宽恕. but the bad mistakes
回首阑姗处,I've done indeed in search for forgiveness and happiness too.
思念断肠赋。I want to say that I love you and miss you.
缓缓纵思绪, Close your eyes,
轻轻垂眼帘. relax your mind,
秉息人无语, and stop breathing as long as you can....
思念是缠绵. NOW BREATH... I miss you as much as you MISSed the AIR.
盈绕我思绪, You must be tired
你可曾憔悴? coz you have been running through my mind.
悄然盗我心, You gotta be a thief
你可知是罪? coz you have stolen my heart.
天地任逍遥, And I must have been
弯弓善射雕. a bad shooter
如何中芳心, coz I keep on
博得玉人笑? missing you. .
生命诚可短, There's no special reason for this message.
不敢视等闲. I just wanna steal a moment of your busy life.
写此无它意, Hope I can make you smile
但求一嫣然. and say: I miss you!
甲乙丙丁戊, A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T
续庚辛壬癸. " " V W X Y Z.
忘己为护花, Did I miss something?
今生堪无悔. No, I put 'U' safely in my heart.
冬雷夏飘雪, Earth may stop rotating. Birds may stop singing,
山岭不成岳. Candles may stop melting.
天地合一宇, Dog may stop barking.
不敢与君绝! But I never stop missing you.
愿修一切善,In my life, I learned how to smile,
愿断一切恶. How to laugh, how to work hard,
欲了红尘事,how to love, how to cry.
难罢相思渴. But I never learned how to STOP missing you.
红尘飞逝短, Days are too busy.
白驹过隙长. Hours are too few. Seconds are too fast.
千里寄相思, There's always a time for me to ask how are you.
鸿雁频来往. But Hope you are fine... miss you..
人无百日好, Roses are red,
花无百日红. violets are blue.
人去心依旧, I am away
思念永无终. but still thinking of you.
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