
晓海平静 (热门博主)
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(2016-03-10 01:41:34) 下一个

阿山 (庞静译)二零一六年三月八日

胰腺囊肿和胰腺癌 — 时间的不同,生和死的区别。


今天我的病人比我妈妈当年老了三十岁,这段时间足够了,一个良性胰腺囊肿一定能发展成胰腺癌 。









March 8, 2016 – She could have been my mom

Pancreatic cyst and pancreatic adenocarcinoma – a difference of time, a difference of life and death.

My brother and I were the ones that were beside my mother for her diagnosis, treatment, and recovery process. It was a small benign cyst, detected early, monitored for many years, completely removed, and allowed for a full recovery.

My patient today was about 30 years older than my mother, plenty of time for a benign pancreatic cyst to make the cancerous transition into pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

The smallest things allow you to make a connection in the clinical setting. When she was wheeled down from the inpatient unit, I was expecting another old sick patient. But she was only slightly different, being very thin (in part due to her long illness) and of a slight frame, a notable contrast to the majority of overweight patients we see. Her size and her diagnosis were what first made me make the comparison of her to my mom in my head.

Then, came her two adult sons. They had dropped everything to come be with her, my brother and I both neglected quite some schoolwork during my mom’s hospitalization. They were separated in age by 18 months, same as me and my brother. There was a sociable and friendly older brother that did all the talking with the medical staff, like me. There was quiet younger brother that did not leave his mother’s side and despite his quietness, paid attention to every word being said, like my younger brother. This woman definitely could have been my mother.

But there was one major difference. My mom had a benign cyst and was expected to make a full recovery with relatively low risk. This woman knew she did not have long to live, forgoing the large extensive operation to remove the cancer, and instead electing for short surgeries to just make her more comfortable.

I learned my lesson from yesterday. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do much for her, but I had the time, so I just stood next to her and talked to her while she was waiting for her procedure to get started. Her sons did their best to keep her smiling and laughing the entire time. In one moment, she told me:

“I thank God every day for giving me 80 years of a healthy life, and for letting me have 2 sons that love me so much to work so hard to make sure I’m happy at the end”

There were tears in her eyes. Even the talkative son was quiet and looking down at the ground.

When she was waking up from her procedure, she was in quite a bit of discomfort, like anybody that is waking up from surgery and anesthesia. At this stage, I still couldn’t do much. I just held her hand and made sure the blanket was keeping her warm.

The difference of time, she could’ve been my mom.

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