

给低年级孩子的科学读物 (ZT)

(2012-06-12 17:06:09) 下一个


看到前面帖子说到给孩子订杂志的事情。我也订了,所以在说几句。现在的National Geographic for kids除了广告没有多少内容了,一个儿童杂志里里外外充满了广告,在我看来这些广告给五六岁的孩子很多不好的消费引导。我是National Geographic的忠实读者,但这个“National Geographic for kid”让人失望,今年不会再续订。




Stage One BooksPRK-K:


The Human Body:


How Many Teeth?


Look at Your Eyes


My Feet


My Five Senses


My Hands


Sleep is for Everyone


Plants and Animals:


Animals in Winter


Baby Whales Drink Milk


Big Tracks, Little Tracks


Bugs Are Insects


Ducks Don't Get Wet


Fireflies in the Night


From Caterpillar to Butterfly


From Tadpole to Frog


How a Seed Grows


A Nest Full of Eggs


Our Puppies Are Growing


A Safe Home for Manatees




What Color is Camouflage?


What Lives in a Shell?


What's Alive?


What's It Like to Be a Fish?


Where Are the Night Animals?


The World Around Us:


Air Is All Around You


The Big Dipper


Is There Life in Outer Space?


Snow is Falling


Sounds All Around


What Makes a Shadow?


Stage Two Books:


The Human Body


Germs Make Me Sick!


The Skeleton Inside You


What Happens to a Hamburger


Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn


Your Skin and Mine


What Happens to a Hamburger?


Plants and Animals


Ant Cities


Be a Friend to Trees


Chirping Crickets


Corn is Maize


How Do Apples Grow?


How Do Birds Find Their Way?


Look Out For Turtles!


Milk From Cow to Carton


An Octopus is Amazing


Snakes Are Hunters


Sponges Are Skeletons


Who Eats What?


Why Do Leaves Change Color?


Why Frogs Are Wet


Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats




Digging Up Dinosaurs


Dinosaur Babies


Dinosaur Bones


Dinosaurs Are Different


Fossils Tell of Long Ago


My Visit to the Dinosaurs


What Happened to the Dinosaurs?




Floating in Space


The International Space Station


The Moon Seems to Change


The Planets in our Solar System


The Sky is Full of Stars


What the Moon is Like


Weather and the Seasons:


Down Comes the Rain


Feel the Wind


Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll


Tornado Alert


What Will the Weather Be?


Our Earth:


Archaelogists Dig for Clues




Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean


How Mountains Are Made


Let's Go Rock Collecting


Oil Spill!




You're Aboard Spaceship Earth


The World Around Us:


Day Light, Night Light


Switch On, Switch Off


What is the World Made Of?


What Makes a Magnet?


Where Does the Garbage Go?




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