

(2024-07-11 08:24:39) 下一个

美国在2002年的时候通过了一个Help America Vote Act,详细地规定了各州管理民主投票的最低程序标准。

1. Every state should adopt a system of statewide voter registration.
2. Every state should permit provisional voting by any voter who claims to be a qualified voter in that state.
3. Congress should enact legislation to hold presidential and congressional elections on a national holiday.
4. Congress should adopt legislation that simplifies and facilitates absentee voting by uniformed and overseas citizens.
5. Every state should allow for restoration of voting rights to otherwise eligible citizens who have been convicted of a felony once they have fully served their sentence, including any term of probation or parole.
6. The state and federal governments should take additional steps to assure the voting rights of all citizens and to enforce the principle of one person, one vote.


即便非公民想投票,也没有进入投票过程的机会。比如,Georgia found that there were 1,634 noncitizens who tried to register to vote over 25 years — there were about 7 million on the voter rolls in 2022 when the state released this data. But none of the 1,634 were registered. 

这个过程发生疏漏的概率是极其微小的。In another study conducted across a sample of 42 jurisdictions accounting for more than 23 million votes in the 2016 general election, election officials identified just 30 incidents of potential noncitizen voting.

美国绝大多数的州都要求投票人出示ID,用以验证身份。即便是某些不要求ID的州,根据Help America Vote Act的要求,投票人必须提供 "either a driver's license number or the last four digits of his or her Social Security number at the time of registration. ". 对于首次登记的选民,无论哪个州都是要求出示ID以验证身份。

所以呢,Speaker Johnson 宣称的 “The millions (of immigrants) that have been paroled can simply go to their local welfare office or the DMV and register to vote.”, 是不符合事实的。我不想去猜测他这样宣称的目的,只要知道这不是事实就行。

我一贯是支持严格投票过程,也支持所有严控投票过程的法律,包括投票时无论何种情况必须出示ID。但是呢,无论你支持或反对什么,基本事实总要先搞清楚。 You need to know what you are talking about. 

PolitiFact | Mike Johnson’s false claim about noncitizens registering to vote at DMV, ‘welfare’ offices


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