Ecuador City - Manta
赤道分割南北球, 经度为零乃始首。
中美小国分界线, 尼多瓜尔我停留。
紧跟美国经济秀, 美元支撑靠物流。
市内建筑多摩登, 城外房屋急待修。
阳光劲射罩海滩, 海浪翻滚映舢舨。
热带植物种类多, 植被茂密盖满山。
Note: The port city of Manta is on the South Pacific coast in tropical climate. At the latitude of 0’0”, the country straddles on the equator dividing the south and north hemisphere. A basically fishing town, the city centre is modern with many American style fast food restaurants and shopping malls but the outskirts appear poor and rudimentary with many aged huts and unfinished brick houses.