

(2012-01-13 21:39:11) 下一个
1. Age
If you are near 50 or 50+ years old, you should start to think about retiring. You should think of what to do after retiring and you may want to work for yourself after many years’ working for somebody else. RE is a good choice for part-time or full-time to work for yourself. You may start it as 副业 while you are not retired, and late make it as 主业 after you retire. The new technology make it easy even to do remote land lording.
If you are in your 30’s or early 40’s and you have good job and you enjoy your job, of course you should only make it 副业 or not even do it at all.

2. Career
If you think your career has good future, you like it and you can make 6 digits or decent salary, of course you should focus on it. At most, you should make it a 副业 if you like to make some extra money. But if you think your job has no future and you do not like it very much, you can start doing RE as 副业 first and may want to make it 主业 later. At least, it is another alternative for you.

3. Financial status
If you have some extra cash, you can do it. Otherwise it is difficult to rely too much on bank loan. Investing in RE nowadays is much better choice than leaving your money in your bank account or stock if you do not have enough knowledge of financial market. Investing in stock market requires lot more knowledge and experience than RE. RE may be most easy and common knowledge based investment vehicles than any other investment.

4. Interest
If you have the interest in RE, you can make it a 主业 or 副业. I think many people believe that you can do it better if you have interest in it. If you do not have too much interests in your job, RE is a not bad choice as your new career.

5. Family situation
If one of a couple has a steady job which will provide the family with the insurance and bread, than it gives the other one the possibility to do RE as 主业. Otherwise it may be difficult to do RE as 主业.

Just my thought. If not correct, please criticise.
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