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\'War Horse\'Hidalgo\' 3 horse-centric films

(2024-12-15 20:25:16) 下一个

survive a 3,000-mile race across blistering desert terrain

 hidalgo's bloodlines are still running the prairies

"War Horse," ""In Persuit of Honor," and "Hidalgo" are 3 of my favorite horse-centric films. Beautifully done

"No Ego Viggo" is ideal as the reluctant hero, and Hidalgo is perfect. Sharif brings great dignity to any film with his presence.

5 hours ago
I just noticed while watching this movie that there is a mistake with some of the dialogue.
When Hopkins meet the old man at the monument for the first time the old man speaks of the race and says that it 40 men perished before reaching Iraq. The race was held in 1891 and Iraq did not become Iraq until 1932.

Share 23 hours ago
The excitement begins when famed horseman Frank T. Hopkins (Mortensen) enters a grueling competition - "The Ocean Of Fire" - with his mustang Hidalgo. Together, they must not only survive a 3,000-mile race across blistering desert terrain; they must also thwart evil competitors who vow victory at any cost. Witness a sandstorm of epic proportions; a swarm of locusts so massive it obliterates the relentless sun, deadly traps that defy imagination. Based on a true story, this astounding tale of personal triumph will take your breath away.



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