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Bill Clinton 3 feet within kitchen

(2024-11-06 16:12:54) 下一个
Bill Clinton’s famous campaign slogan: 3 feet within kitchen

"I don't support societal dictatorship, but I believe that simply advocating for democracy—assuming it alone can overcome a nation's challenges regardless of its people's readiness—is a mistake that history has repeatedly proven wrong."

This aligns with the saying, people vote based on what's within three feet of them—like what they sit down to at the kitchen table every day. Economic issues are that fundamental. "Money is not everything, but without money, nothing can be done! Problems that can be solved with money are not problems. Now that money is a problem, how can other problems that require money be solved?" (錢非萬能,但無錢萬萬不能!錢能解決的問題都不是問題,現在錢出問題了,那麼其它需要錢的問題怎麼解決呢?)

When it comes to mass movements, elite idealism often misses what the masses are actually grappling with. As one writer observed, "Economic issues are as essential as day-to-day survival. When there's no money, everything is tough; when there’s money, everything gets easier. If money is already a problem, how can any other money-related issues be solved?"

An old friend recently sent me a message about inflation, sharing how $10 in the U.S. today buys almost nothing compared to what it used to. I’ve been saying this myself: a shopping cart that used to be filled with tens of dollars now costs hundreds, and it’s still half-empty. Prices rise to cover increased costs, making people feel the pinch.

Once upon a time, takeout didn’t ask for tips, and restaurant tipping was discretionary. Now, even fast food requires high tips. Restaurant prices have risen, and so have wages and expenses for business owners. Maintaining a restaurant has become much harder: good business doesn’t mean high profits, and poor business can lead to a cycle of declining food quality, ultimately resulting in closure.

It’s a reminder that economic pressures impact us all at the most fundamental level.

**** H/t: **** 
"In every country I've reported on, no matter where in the world, people vote based on what’s within three feet of them—what’s on the kitchen table every day. Economic issues are that fundamental.”#
This idea echoes Bill Clinton’s famous campaign slogan, "It’s the economy, stupid!" which resonated with voters and helped secure his election by focusing on everyday financial concerns *.
# "我并不支持社会的独裁,但我相信单纯提倡民主,以为民主可以超越国民本身的素质治愈百废,那是一再被证明的错误" = (people vote based on what's within three feet of them—like what they sit down to at the kitchen table every day. Economic issues are that fundamental.) 任何一个国家,无论是世界上的任何地方,人们都在他们面前的三英尺和他们每天坐在厨房的桌子上投票,经济问题是如此根本,而且经验其中,
When coming to mass movements, elite idealism doesn't know what the mass struggle is about. 
So what? 

* H/t: https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/romance/986205.html (来源: 晓青 于 2024-11-06 07:06:04) "经济问题跟过日子一样,没钱怎么都难,有钱怎么都好办,不是有句话说吗,钱能解决的问题都不是问题,现在钱出问题了,那么其它需要钱的问题还怎么解决呢?

# H/t #2: 

EM: Fight for what you believe: Faith, Hope, and Love

 (2024-11-06 11:56:29)下一个

EM: A man gotta do what a man gotta do! 

Be Yourself; Fight for what you believe: Faith, Hope, and Love; stand up; don't mess up. 

“In every country I've reported on, no matter where in the world, people vote based on what’s within three feet of them—what’s on the kitchen table every day. Economic issues are that fundamental.”(Margaret Brennan). This idea echoes Bill Clinton’s famous campaign slogan, "It’s the economy, stupid!" which resonated with voters and helped secure his election by focusing on everyday financial concerns.

 Election anxiety is one thing, but “the post-election anxiety — that’s going to be a bigger issue,” she said. … She recommends slowing down and reflecting on the sources of information; increasing our sense of control by reminding ourselves that our influence goes beyond the ballot box; literally budgeting our worry time; and being aware of external pressures.
How so?
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