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day 6

(2011-12-08 13:57:02) 下一个
Let's talk about marketamerica itself.  The founder and his core team (not the individuals who join the ma like me).  How they run the business?  Normally, to run a business you need have product and sell ( i am not a business personal, my understanding might be wrong).  so you buy from the manufacture and sell it to the customers.  In general, you need have salesman to find the customers and sell the product.  But here MA does very brilliantly, MA provides an opportunity  to individuals like me who wants to be financially independent or rich to sell their product.  This opportunity is that binary tree structure i talked about in my first article.  But this opportunity is not free.  You have to be MA's customers first and have to regularly buy MA's product! This is like a franchise fee or license fee you paid monthly.  I don't know how MacDonald and other fast food franchise works.  But i am sure that each store needs paid for the franchise fee.  This puts MA into the best position. MA gets its customers automatically when it gets its salesman.  And MA does not need to paid commission to its salesman until some condition are met.  In order word, MA does not pay full commission for all the products been sold.  still not get my point? look at the lowest layer nodes, they do not get any commission on the product they sold. (they sold to themselves or others, but ma not pay the commission).  Is this a fair game? Does it matter?  The world is never fair.!  To open a MacDonald you need a lot of money.  MA offers an opportunity to start a franchise with lower fee.  If you think you are  hard working, give it a try.  If you think to be rich by selling these products to your friends/family without any hard work, stay away from it.
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