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start of market america

(2011-12-06 14:40:02) 下一个

I created this blog so that in the future I can look back to see if I did make the right choice.I have a friend who is very successful in this and I also have friends who always tell me that market america is a scam.  I did google on market america and results are the same.  so i think i want to give it a try so that i will not regret.   Why I decided to try? 

  1. I want to build up some backup plan for my job.  I am 40 yrs old with a 2 yr old boy.  both my wife and I are working.  and both my wife and I feel the urgency of financial freedom which cannot be achieved through our job.  
  2. I think we understand the business model of ma.   
  3. we can afford to lose 1000$ to give it a try.(initial setup 399 + about 75$ each month for 9 month)  
  4. tax benefits.
  5. improve people skills

When you join MA, you looks like open a store.  you are selling 3 things.

  1. ma product. It's hard to compare ma products with other brands because you cannot  find 2 exactly same products.  You can do your own research on this  topic.  There are some uniqueness in MA product. Let's say their opc and  calcium, it's powder.  MA claims that the powder is easier to be  absorbed.  So, you do not have price advantage when you try to sell ma  product.  you are selling ma uniqueness to some customer who wants it. you need sell minim about  $75 (50BV) product every month.  you make profits when you sell these products. you get BV points when you sell MA products.
  2. MA business model. When your sales are more than 200BV, those extra BV will be distributed to your left leg and right leg.  these BV will be sitting there until one day you recruit 2 additional people to join in your network and become your left node and right node and connecte to your left leg and right leg. At this moment, you are ready to earn commissions. the sales of your left node and right node will be added to your left leg and right leg, if both reach 1200 BV point, you get your commission check for 300.  there are more different levels in the commission pay structure.  I don't put details here.  However, there is weekly cap like 2100 on the commission payout. ( which means the max you get for 1 week commission is 2100.  There are other types of payout, i don't know yet.  and I try my best make sure those number are accurate.).  If your left node and right node have their own left node or right node, all their sales will be added to your left and right leg.  Now the picture is very clear, you will be benefited by all the nodes that are connected to your left leg and right leg either directly or indirectly. That's 100% percent.  Now let's see MA's claim that top node will help lower level node to develop. Top node and put BV into the nodes that below it.  This true helps the nodes below it. But does it really help?  Let's do some calculation here, if the top node has only one level of left node and right node, in ideal situation, each node get 50% of the help (extra BV points that can be distributed to lower level nodes from the top node). now, let's say 2 levels case, each lowest level nodes will have 25%. and let's say n levels case, each lowest level nodes get 1/2^n.  So the help you get from top node are really minim. So you need work hard on your own.
  3. sell partner product through MA portal.  the same structure as item 2. but you or your network buy MA partner's product through MA portal. and the IBV point is gained. same commission pay structure as item 2.

I started last friday. Let's see how it goes

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