• 要比就公开比!躲在后面放暗箭算啥本事,就拿AMD这垃圾说事!你一篇,咱一篇,不... - 铁牛 -
(103 bytes) (64 reads) 07/18/2014 22:00:04
• 哎,天天用AMD给天芳贴金,结果啪叽,变成自己去接飞刀,,, - buydip? -
(87 bytes) (198 reads) 07/18/2014 20:50:32
• 可以大气点吗? - Haohaoya - ♂
(0 bytes) (13 reads) 07/18/2014 21:39:27
• 什么大气不大气的。班长也是普通网民,看不惯的人说两句无妨。 - o88 - ♂
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/18/2014 22:22:27
• nod - cherrywood - ♀
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/18/2014 23:00:39
• 班长要自律,心胸大点! - 股神辈出 - ♂
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/18/2014 22:01:40
• 哈哈! - qp_ma - ♂
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/18/2014 22:03:38
• 息影吧! 觉得妳好累. 还有那欧巴3+5 - sundancekid - ♂
(0 bytes) (7 reads) 07/18/2014 22:33:43
rn 还是一样的,笑脸相迎!
rn• 关于TSLA的点评!咱好像已经连续“好好写”了3贴!而且 - 铁牛 -
(728 bytes) (116 reads) 07/14/2014 17:50:23
(2) rn
• 这些帖子都在吧? - buydip? -
(0 bytes) (4 reads) 07/14/2014 17:51:52
• 难道这些也要删? - 铁牛 -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/14/2014 17:54:20
• 帖子都在,就是没删,也不会删。要讲一点逻辑,不要走极端。。。 - buydip? -
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/14/2014 17:56:59
• 说个苹果的技术品质不是靠嘴皮子吹出来的,有错吗!还用得着您3个... - 铁牛 -
(54 bytes) (34 reads) 07/14/2014 18:05:04
• 你就悲情下去吧。。。 - buydip? -
(0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/14/2014 18:06:29
• 怎么还想3个一块上! - 铁牛 -
(31 bytes) (29 reads) 07/14/2014 18:08:50
• 你不就是要吵架么?整天骂骂咧咧的,说大千是垃圾... - buydip? -
(0 bytes) (12 reads) 07/14/2014 18:11:59
• DDD!!! - hello-u -
(0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/14/2014 18:14:23
• 你当别人眼睛都瞎子看不见!请不要公报私仇... - 铁牛 -
(31 bytes) (19 reads) 07/14/2014 18:16:35
• 大家都不是瞎子,偶从来不当别人是瞎子... - buydip? -
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/14/2014 18:24:07
• Well said.You are always fair... - hello-u -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/14/2014 18:25:57
• 说大千是垃圾堆的人 - snowboy128 - ♂
(135 bytes) (9 reads) 07/14/2014 18:29:46
• what does"明天的gm“mean? - hello-u -
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/14/2014 18:15:53
• What is the point of his 3 posts? - hello-u -
(99 bytes) (16 reads) 07/14/2014 18:13:42