

【檀香木深度游】俄罗斯 --乔纳森深度游:一、突破坚冰

(2011-12-15 07:41:00) 下一个

【檀香木深度游】俄罗斯 --乔纳森深度游:一、突破坚冰
【Sandal Journey】Russia - A Journey with Jonathan Dimbleby: 1. Breaking The Ice

Russia A Journey with Jonathan Dimbleby.1 of 5.Breaking The Ice. HDTV.BBC. x264.720p.AC3

1:00 Russia, the largest country in the world

3:50 (A tombstone carved with this name)




The SS Induna was the name of a British merchant steamboat (5086BRT) that was sunk during WW2. It was built in 1925 by A. Stephen & Sons Ltd. of Glasgow and torpedoed by the German U-Boat Friedrich-Karl Marks (U-376) en route from Reykjavík to Murmansk. Of the 66 people on board, 28 survived and were picked up by a Soviet minesweeper.[12] [13]

4:20 Murmansk, Year-round-Non-Frozen-Port, U-Boats: Nazi's submarines

5:00 (A gigantic statue of a Soviet soldier) But he looks surprisingly gentle

7:20 I want to explore all the changes since the collapse of communism

8:40 Here is my real challenge: I want to find out what replaced the communism, what is Russia really like, beyond the politics and headlines

11:40 This is Karelia... This is almost unknown history, pre-history, between 3000 and 5000 years ago, look at these stones... giant man... swan... so elegant... This is another Russia I have never imagined.

14:00 Karelia, is amazed by netwok of rivers, that wind deeper, and deeper into forests, still quiet and remote (触景生情,不禁令人联想起苏联电影“这里的黎明静悄悄”里的大森木木)

15:00 (meet a white witch)

20:00 A great delight for me...

21:00 The Russian men, the average life span is 58

22:00 St. Petersburg, a show piece to the world

24:00 (Ask a gent about democracy)

24:40 (A lady talks about democracy, compared w/ Germany, very interesting)...much more freedom here, compared w/ Germany

26:40 Year 1703

29:00-34:00 (Very philosophical and thoughtful, please listen this full conversation between the two) ... Soviet people seperate their "life" from their "everyday life". Their life, spiritual life, ..., ..., ...

34:00 (Statue of Linnin)

36:10 .. But one memory, is still very much alive, so powerful, will never be erased from the story of this city. The Siege of Leningrad(列寧格勒圍城戰). It lasted almost 900 days, from September, 1941 to January 1944. One million people, half of the city's population, perished... Leningrad survived, because of this lake, Lake Ledega, and the spans of this water so massive, and Nazis were unable to circle the entire city... It is this fact, ... The Russian is really defined by its water ways! The seas, lakes and rivers, which form the arch rim of the nation.

41:00 The use of music instruments was forbidden, like the plays and poems, only the Icon is allowed. The Icon is everywhere... The priests serve the Tsar, in return, the Tsar will protect the priests, it was their Holly alliance... As Russian's great writer ____ said: Russia history would be more human and harmonious, if the church not surrend its independence, and continued to make its voice heard among the people.(政教分离的必要性的又一证明)

44:00 ... But this is a kind of metaphor here, you think all down the centuries, the Russian has been oppressed, one way or another, by Tsars, autocrats, bloody tyrants, dictators, the Soviet System. And now, well, whatever it is now. I am kind of feel it, I am Russian people here... (Can't stop laughing at his bloody humor, and contemplating the deep empathy behind...)

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   33:00 生活/ 日常生活這一解釋,十分有助理解俄人心靈。尤其鏡頭裡看到的那生活環境。其實人類每一民族,多多少少都有這情形,但俄人那種打成兩截,互不通氣的背反生活,確是很特殊的現象。
   41:00 這裡的東西,可以多少打開33:00﹣之謎。俄國的政教,不是純粹的政教合一,政教兩個系統其分甚嚴,使教會得以保持其傳統精神,回到希臘正教追求的希 臘文本純正教理教儀。正教他們很多地方比拉丁化的羅馬教會,更近使徒和教父的基督教。政教分合,是個很複雜的問題。專制的沙皇,無法動搖教統根基,俄共消 滅宗教,結果正教在蘇聯解體後,又兩後春筍了。俄國東正教精神獨立的力量不可小視
   -吮露鶴- 给 吮露鶴 发送悄悄话 吮露鶴 的博客首页 吮露鶴 的个人群组 (552 bytes) (20 reads) 11/25/11 18:07:34

29:00-34:00 中国文化里,把这叫做“苦中作乐”。请看上海滑稽戏“七十家房客”。这种社会现实,在上海可以找出成千上万。
   41:00 木木可惜不懂俄语,否则对俄罗斯的文化和宗教的理解会更深入。学无止境。
   谢谢评论。-檀香木-给 檀香木 发送悄悄话 檀香木 的博客首页 檀香木 的个人群组 (808 bytes) (18 reads) 11/25/11 20:47:24


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