
让我们插一枝哭泣的玫瑰 在你的枪口

(2016-01-02 22:21:07) 下一个

让我们插一枝哭泣的玫瑰 在你的枪口


今夜,请熄灭你的仇恨  放下你的枪

让我们插一枝哭泣的玫瑰 在你的枪口

让那枪口下 支离破碎的苍夷  在花儿的爱意里 渐渐模糊


我们    从哭泣里站起 还留在这个世界上的人

清晨  会去墓园  陪伴那长眠的亲人 享受片刻鸟语花香

临走  我们会摘下一朵亲人墓旁 含笑的玫瑰

插在鬓边  挂在胸前



把每一个黎明 都看作生命里的最后一天

每天在小柬埔寨餐厅插满红玫瑰  伴着摇曳的水晶灯 欢乐的夜宴

看伏尔泰大道上的梧桐叶 在巴黎晚秋飒飒的风声里

随着巴塔克兰音乐厅流出的美妙旋律 飞转 起舞

听   远远 Stade De France 传出雄浑的“La Marseillaise”

请让  整个世界  一起加入进来  高声齐唱


今夜,请熄灭你的仇恨  放下你的枪

无论是否 你会用枪带走我们的生命

却永远也带不走  我们对这个世界深深的爱

无论我们是活着还是死去 世界将永远深深爱着我们

在那无尽的爱里  世界和我们 无惧无悔


今夜,请熄灭你的仇恨  放下你的枪

你是否愿意 也能伸出手 和我们真正走进这个世界




这里可以没有国家 种族 宗教

唯有 红花 绿草 蓝天 清风



永远 永远



Let us insert one crying rose into the sizzling muzzle of your gun 

Tonight,   please extinguish your flame of hatred and put down your gun
Let us insert one crying rose into the sizzling muzzle
Soon, the fragmented pieces will be reunited by the love of the flower 

We, stand up from our crying, are the people still be living in this world 
Morning, we visit our dear ones’ grave yard
Together, we will enjoy a moment of bird singing and a sweet potpourri
Before leaving, retrieve a smiling rose from the tree next to their sleeping bed
Pin it high on our chest 

From now on, we will
Cherish our life as every day is the last day
Every day decorate restaurant of Le Petit Cambodge with fresh red roses 
Under the swaying crystal chandelier celebrate every night in smiles 
On Boulevard Voltaire, watch the leaves of London Plane rustling in the wind
Dance and swirl with the happy melodies wafting from the Bataclan Concert Hall
Listen carefully, the singing of “La Marseillaise”can be heard far away from “Stade De France”
Let us, all the world, join it and sing it high with our heart

Tonight,   please extinguish your flame of hatred and put down your gun
Whether or not you use your gun to take away our life
You will NERVER take away the LOVE for the world from us
No Matter we are alive or deceased, the world will love us forever
In love, we are with this world,  no regret and no fear 

Tonight,   please extinguish your flame of hatred and put down your gun
Are you willing, give us your hand, let us all embrace this world 
You will walk into LOVE
At this human world

It could be a world without countries, nationalities and religions 
Only have red flower, green grass, blue sky, fizzing breeze 
Endless Endless LOVE
Ever and Forever

To Dear Paris  from California USA


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


The attacks started at around 9:30 on Friday night after blasts were heard near the Stade de France in the north of the city. Police confirmed these were three simultaneous bombings.

An hour later, there were reports of a shooting at Le Carillon Café Bar and Le Petit Cambodge restaurant in the 10th arrondissement around 5 miles away from the stadium. Fourteen people were killed in the incidents.

The deadliest attack took place at the Bataclan Concert Hall at around 11 p.m. when four gunmen stormed an Eagles of Death Metal concert. 

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