

(2011-12-22 09:14:33) 下一个

111. biological problems e.g. addition

        social problems e.g. negative role models

        psychological problems e.g. weak ego state

112. take ... ...into account  考虑

  • take individual factors into account

  • What factors do courts take into account when deciding who gets custody of the children?

  • Employers should ensure they take relevant personal factors into account when considering whether to dismiss an employee, and consider whether alternatives to dismissal may be more appropriate.

  • There are many, many factors that must be taken into account to determine how much money someone will get for their pain and suffering.

  • we may provided that we have taken all of the influencing factors into account.

  • does not take time changes into account

  • Factors to take into account when buying a new home.

113. accountable: someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it 应负责的; 有责任的

  • She is accountable only to the managing director.

  • The recent tax reforms have made government more accountable for its spending.

  • Politicians should be accountable to the public who elected them.

  • to be held accountable for...

114. wistful: yearningly pensive, dreamy with longing (especially for things past); melancholy, sad
愁闷而渴望的, 想望的

  • a wistful element

  • I thought about those days in Europe and grew wistful.

  • wistful lyrics

  • a wistful expression

  • a wistful glance

  • a wistful memoir

115. fictional characters: 虚构人物,小说人物

  • Who is the most popular fictional character of all time?

  • in the popularity of fictional characters such as ...

  • What makes someone the “greatest fictional character of all time”?

  • Have these fictional characters influenced you?

116. satisfy conditions/needs/requirements: to have or provide something that is needed or wanted         满足需要/要求,符合要求, 提供

  • She satisfies all the requirements for the job.

  • There are three main conditions you must satisfy if you wish to be a member of the club.

  • Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who believed that human behavior is motivated by certain needs. These needs, according to Maslow, must be satisfied in a particular order starting with our lower level needs before we can satisfy our higher level needs. Today, we know this as Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

  • Our first needs are associated with basic survival, such as the need for food, water, sex and sleep. These are all associated with our biological drives and are there fore needs you must satisfy in order to stay alive.

117. proceedings: a series of events that happen in a planned and controlled way; events, happenings, occurrences; 事件

  • Millions of people watched the proceedings on television.

  • The Chairperson opened the proceedings with a short speech.

  • Some error occurred in the proceedings.

118. paramount: more important than anything else   非常重要

  • There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount importance.

  • For the left, the paramount value is justice – a just society based on a fair and equitable distribution of power, wealth, prestige, and privilege.

119. as opposed to: rather than, in contrast to, contrary to,  相反,而不是

  • I'd prefer to go on holiday in May, as opposed to September.

  • We should be stopping terrorists from operating, as opposed to chasing them after they've attacked.

  • I like pro basketball, as opposed to the college game.

120. pose: to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty  造成,引起

  • pose a danger to self or others

  • Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.

  • The mountain terrain poses particular problems for civil engineers.

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