六月里,我家最大的事就是 — 女儿中学毕业了!


从她八岁开始,每年的芭蕾汇报演出,我都去做义工。给孩子们梳头,化妆,保管演出服装,……最近几年,孩子们全部自理,不再需要volunteer parents了;我还是习惯了去做义工。今年是给Acro Inter/Sr/Adv的下午场做义工:

My girl, from a duckling to a swan, ten years in the blink of an eye! You’re leaving me to the university; however, you will in my eyes, in my heart always!
May God’s blessing surround you each day,
As you trust Him and walk in His way;
May His presence within,
Guard and keep you from sin!
Go in peace,
Go in joy,
Go in love!
