
粥爷爷 ( JoePa )写的也是寂寞

(2011-11-11 02:37:45) 下一个

A coach, Joe Paterno (JoePa) was retired by his own wish and then fired by the board of trustees of the Penn State with 24 hours

If the Board of Trustees already knew about this investigation and was kept abreast about what was coming out during the investigation, why did it wait until now to make these decisions? Why did it wait until the scandal became public to fire Paterno and Spanier?

And, if it did wait until now to make these decisions, doesn't that simply prove that the decisions are publicly motivated? That is, doesn't it prove that the decisions are a reaction to the negative publicity and an attempt to quiet everything down by offering up "sacrificial lambs."

On the other hand, if the Board of Trustees did NOT know about the investigation, should it be blamed for not having kept better tabs on what was going on at Penn State?

A lot peoples thought that Paterno would not be fired. They felt that Paterno did what he was supposed to do, and the only mistake he could be accused of making was expecting others to do the right thing and investigate and report this appropriately. So, yes, he made a mistake, but the mistake would be justifying firing the guy.

哥为这事儿写下一段儿粥爷爷 ( JoePa )的寂寞

It is very painfully simple, it is economics. Don’t get me wrong, it was not about media, it never will.

While the protest was chaotic and we can felt the love of Joe by his students, I heartily believe Joe would have wanted they become men, gentlemen. The hearty felt departure was expected by some, I believe that the trustees did the right thing.

Joe did not do enough to save the kids; those young boys were violated by Jerry or alleged to be violated. If we read the media is telling us, I don’t think it come from nothing. These things are bigger than football; I am even thinking the foundation is really serve an ill purpose.

As for Joe, if you can recalled a Hollywood movie named as A Few Good Men, two marine soldiers executed a code “Red” and consequently killed a fellow marine, while they did not do anything wrong based on laws or the marine code of conduct, they could have protected the life of killed marine. Joe has not said anything about what would ruined those kids’ lives or resigned by taking the responsibility, which I am very disappointed in him.

They held the dirty laundry for 14 years, didn't they? And, they had 2 billion reasons (the fundraising goal) to hold it as long as they can. If this thing went out to public 14 years ago, do you truly believe Penn State still can rake 50 million a year? Do you really think they can still recruit the class for the past 14 years and break the all time record?

Jerry was supposed very close to Joe, as the heir apparent, there is larger than live painting where Jerry set right next to Joe and he retired at an age of 55. Most likely the trustees knew it 14 years ago, my guess, even Joe, the director, the VP, knew something longtime ago. Why Joe now is saying something about "he should have done more" or "greatest sorrow"? Why there is substantial difference between Joe's story and the grad student's story?

Like I said, I really like Joe and I think he is noble man. When Tom Bradley talked about Joe and I saw Joe and his wife waving the crowd outside his house, tears were rolling down my cheeks…next time when I go to the church, I will light a candle for Joe.

Deep down, I think Joe is very lonely and helpless, even 100 thousand people chanting and 100 thousand more ranting your name, when you start to be someone that somebody else wants you to be, you might lose the grip to be true to yourself. It is always easily said than to be done, I can not even to start to image what would I do…

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