
胡思乱想 自娱自乐 仅此而已
Bluebell (热门博主)
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(2016-08-22 13:57:41) 下一个


Noah’s Ark, 开放之际就迅速被朋友圈所刷屏,无论是主内还是主外的朋友们都纷纷表示,一定要去,会去看看,有机会要去,很想去。。。等等等等。











方舟总耗资近亿美元,是AIG(answers in genesis)所兴建,创办人 ken Ham特意选择在7月7日这天对公众开放,以此呼应《创世纪》第7章7节所描述的挪亚进入方舟躲避洪水。挪亚方舟所要传递的是神的慈爱,怜悯和救恩。

Ken说,他希望看到数以百万计的游客参观方舟之后,能感受到大洪水提醒我们神施行审判,但神也为挪亚一家人预备救恩的计划,而对我们现代人来说,耶稣基督就是现代版的挪亚方舟 ,在耶稣里面有救恩,祂施行拯救。挪亚方舟所传递出的信息正是这世界所需要的,尤其在日渐黑暗的属灵文化中,这信息格外绽放出耀眼的光芒。

2010年当Ken 提出建造挪亚方舟的想法的时候,很多人都认为他疯了,遇到了很多反对与挫折,正如挪亚曾经面临的各种挑战,各种冷嘲热讽。有人说他是一个投机分子,也有人说他是打着宗教的名义去牟利。耗时,耗力,饱受争议和批评,工程也受到影响和滞后,差点就烂了尾,但是Ken从未想过放弃,一直祷告并坚持,他相信神会开道路,并且理性的与反圣经者用科学方法,从考古的角度,人类学和宗教的角度来展开辩论与探讨。











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Bluebell 回复 悄悄话 回复 'donzhu' 的评论 :

Great question! But honestly, I don't know. :)

I found the below online article for you, and hopefully it can answer your questions.


Were Mosquitoes in the Garden of Eden?

After wiping dripping blood away, I thought more carefully about the question,
“Were mosquitoes in the Garden of Eden before Adam sinned?”
I concluded that they were in Eden, because Yahweh created mosquitoes just like everything else, and He finished His work of creation in six days.

And maybe Adam did not even name them, because insects are not in the category of creatures that the Bible says Adam named:
Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the sky, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him. (Genesis? ?2:19-20)??

But I think that in Eden mosquitoes were not the annoying pests that they are today, because when Yahweh finished His work of creation, He pronounced everything “Very good.”
God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (Genesis? ?1:31)


Mosquitoes — Adam’s Fault

So why are mosquitoes pests today? It is Adam’s fault.

After Adam sinned, Yahweh cursed all of creation. This curse physically changed many things. The ground no longer brought forth only good crops, but now weeds, thorns, and thistles proliferated. Childbirth for women became much more painful. Snakes no longer traveled upright but were condemned to go on their belly. (Genesis 3:14-19)

Yahweh also put enmity between men and snakes. Later after the Flood He changed the brains of animals so that they would fear humans (Genesis 3:15; 9:2).

Another change is that man and animals did not eat meat before the Fall; all were vegetarian. Only after Noah’s Flood did Yahweh authorize man to eat meat (Genesis 9:3).
Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food;” and it was so. (Genesis 1:29-30).

We know very little about what animals were like before Adam’s Fall. One thing we do know is that Creation has been severely distorted by God’s Curse as a result of Adam’s sin. (Romans 8:20-22) But nobody knows how much things changed compared to before the Fall. The full extent of the effects of the Fall and Yahweh’s subsequent curse is unknown.

Thus we have no certain information about what mosquitoes were like before the fall, but I suspect mosquitoes were changed from a benign insect into a pest when Yahweh cursed all of creation because of Adam’s sin. Before the Fall, mosquitoes were a beneficial part of Yahweh’s very good ecosystem. Since then they have become the World’s Most Dangerous Creature through transmitting deadly diseases such as malaria, encephalitis, yellow fever, and dengue fever.

Even today many mosquito species do not suck blood. They feed on plant nectar and are active in pollinating plants. Pollination was probably the function of the very good mosquitoes that Yahweh originally created.

Before the Fall, female mosquitoes probably got protein for their egg production from certain plants instead of from blood, just as vegetarians today get protein from a plant-based diet. For example, leghemoglobin is a protein similar to hemoglobin that’s found in plants such as soybean and alfalfa.


Were Mosquitoes on the Ark?

Some people criticize Noah for letting the pair of mosquitoes off the Ark. If only Noah had smacked them, it would have saved untold agony for millions of Noah’s descendants.

But we don’t know whether mosquitoes were on the Ark. The Bible does not specifically say that mosquitoes were on the Ark. It says Noah took “animals and birds and everything that creeps on the ground.” (Genesis? ?7:8)

Mosquitoes could have survived the Flood in egg, larva, or pupa form either on the Ark or on floating vegetation mats outside the Ark.

I think it’s likely that mosquitoes plagued Noah and his sons and their work crews as they labored building the Ark. The increase in exhaled carbon dioxide, body heat, and perspiration due to their physical exertion would be key attractive factors for mosquitoes (see Mosquito: World’s Deadliest Creature). So I don’t think Noah would have been favorably disposed to voluntarily board mosquitoes on the Ark.

Thus we can’t really blame Noah for mosquito bites. We have to blame Adam.

One insect that probably was on the ark is the bee. But where did Noah keep the bees? In the archive of course. How could Noah see to take care of them? He used flood lights!
donzhu 回复 悄悄话 Where do they keep the pair of mosquitoes on the Arc?