

(2011-07-10 15:00:36) 下一个

最近,美国科罗拉多举行了“阿斯彭思想盛宴”(Aspen Ideas Festival ),各界闻人纷纷畅所欲言,各抒己见。其中,宾夕法尼亚大学华顿商学院特立独行的沃尔夫斯教授一番话,对美国的经济政策和国会政党的生态,作了一个有趣、而且深入浅出的注解。美国上星期五发布的6月份的新增就业岗位只有1.8万个 这是过去9个月里最低的数据,6月份的失业率上升到9.2%。考虑到这些数据,沃尔夫斯的分析很有意思。沃尔夫斯说:

“我们正在处于一种奇怪的形势当中。美国政治和经济生活的常态是:国会参众两院里有一帮白痴。这些白痴常常会制订出一些愚蠢的宏观经济政策。在正常的情况下,美联储可以(通过调整利率)轻而易举地纠正这些愚蠢的政策。但是,美国目前不处于“正常”的状态 短期国债利率已经接近于零。也就是说,美联储主席伯南克已经束手无策(不可能把利率降到负值)。在这种“非正常”的状况下,只有国会的这些白痴、而不是美联储,才能制订美国的宏观经济政策。可糟糕的是,这些人的想法与总统、以及我失业的岳父支持刺激经济的想法完全不同。这些人对美国大量失业的情形无动于衷。对此,我感到强烈的不满。我真无法了解这些人的内心是怎么想的:当美国目前有数百万失业人口的时候,他们却想通过财政紧缩来解决经济问题!”


原文如下:On the “idiots in Congress” and their misguided macro policies (http://blogs.reuters.com/chrystia-freeland/2011/06/30/halfway-to-a-lost-decade/)

JUSTIN WOLFERS: We’re in a very odd situation, which is normally we have idiots in Congress, both houses.  And that’s just a norm of political economic life… But normally it doesn’t matter because they can do idiotic things on macro policy and the Fed just undoes it.  And the people who are really setting macro policy at the Fed, the problem is the Fed’s at the zero lower bound.  Which means the idiots are now making macro policy, and it’s worse than that.  Which is Congress has a very different incentive with respect to stimulating the economy than my unemployed father-in-law and than the president.  And then, so, you know, there’s a strong bias towards inaction…  I can’t see inside the minds or hearts of these people.  But to believe that austerity is the order of the day when we have millions of people, long-term unemployed strikes me as problematic.


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