
七叶小青草,野径生原漫长, 一生争一春,秋存根来世,独立且凝眸

Timothy B. schmit: 爱让我们生存

(2012-09-06 07:16:55) 下一个

Love will keep us alive; 爱让我们生存下去; 有爱, 生活才会美好;
听Timothy B. schmit 的 “Love will keep us alive”,灵魂会震颤, 眼泪会飞洒;
Timothy B.schmit, 老鹰乐队的第二任贝司手, 和乐队主唱风格截然不同的贝司手, 有着近乎灵乐般的纯净嗓音。 他被称为史上第一个----也是唯一一个 “sing high play low” 的贝司手。因为他操低音琴, 却唱着高音域, 轻柔的高音和低沉的贝斯恰成对比,非常特别。

Timothy B.schmit 声线中总带有一些忧郁, 我喜欢! 有人认为: Timothy 忧郁的嗓音可以和巴乔忧郁的眼神相媲美; 他的歌声唱出了对爱的深情, 唱出了一个男人对爱的执着;

出色的多重吉他和弦铺垫出来的层层空间, 是老鹰乐队最令人着迷的地方。 " 几个人坐在一起, 淡淡的旋律在他们手指的弹拨下---如涓涓小溪轻轻地流淌"。 而“夜深人静的时候,戴上耳机听的 ‘Love will keep us alive'时, 就仿佛Timothy B.Schmit 坐在面前,以老朋友的身份和你促膝长谈生活的艰辛,人生的磨难”!  没有海誓山盟,没有信誓旦旦; 旅途漫漫,只有你的爱人与你携手,互相扶持着共赴人生的终点;

Love will keep us alive,乐器和声音的完美组合!
Love will keep us alive, 爱让我们生存下去; 有爱, 生活才会美好;
时光如梭, 岁月无情, 只有爱依旧;

Eagles(老鹰乐队)1971年组建于美国加州, 是历史上最有成就,最伟大的乡村摇滚乐队;凭借着一曲 “HOTELCALIFORNIA”(加州旅馆)也成为了国内最有名的乐队之一. 各位成员都是无可争议的实力派,将乡村音乐的优雅,写意,和摇滚的粗犷风格完美结合在一起,曲调起伏有致,让人欲罢不能;早期经常使用班卓琴,极富特色,木吉他加帅气男声,透着淡淡的乡村音乐的味道,清新自然,听着听着,不觉自醉;
老鹰乐队的音乐感动来自简单的乐器,  率性的节奏与直接的感性;  这份音乐的感动,不因时间流逝而递减,反而更加坚固……..

Love will keep us alive

I was standing
All alone against the world outside
You were searching
For a place to hide
Lost and lonely
Now you've given me the will to survive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
Don't you worry
Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride
The world is changing
Right before your eyes
Now I've found you
There's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
I would die for you
Climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
Now I've found you
There's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
I would die for you
Climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing I wouldn't do
I was standing
All alone against the world outside
You were searching
For a place to hide
Lost and lonely
Now you've given me the will to survive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive
When we're hungry...love will keep us alive

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