

(2012-04-13 14:12:24) 下一个
 - 不是我哎!

The case, the people of the state of C vs. S, is dismissed. Reason: No recall by the officer.

           Minutes after entering the court room, a police officer announced that all the red light violation individuals (people who were caught by the traffic camera) were to go to his little corner on the plaintiff’s side. Three people did and each was shown the video that captured the moment of their red light crossing. When it was my turn, I told the officer that I didn't need to see the video because I was not disputing the red light violation;  I was not the person who was driving the vehicle.

           Still, he showed me the video anyway. Afterwards, he asked, "Who was the driver if it wasn't you
           I replied, "I have no idea, I am only sure that it was not me."
           He pressed on, "Was it a family member? Or a relative?"
           I said, "I don't know, really."
           He then said, "Well you'll have to prove it to the judge that you were not the driver [who crossed the red light]."
           I said sure and went back to sit in the defendants' side.

A court clerk introduced court rules while I talked to the police officer. Next, she checked on people's presences by calling names. The court session was going to start. Just then, the police officer came to me and led me out of the court room into the hallway. He said, "Well, after seeing you in person, I am convinced that you are not the one who drove the vehicle. So your case is dismissed. Actually," he continued, "had you come to the police department after you had gotten the ticket, the situation could have been clarified there without you needing to have to come to court." I thanked him and went back to the court room.

The court session started as a judge (with fully bearded face) appeared to the bench and swore everyone in. I was called to the front to hear the judge announce the dismissal of my case. I thanked your honor and then stayed in the room for another 20 minutes to get the document paper. And, off course, I then went home relieved.

On my way home I told the police officer in my mind, "Sir, I don't have to go to the police department to tell you that the ticket was issued to the wrong person, right? And why should I give you a chance to match the picture to someone in the household, only to then let you send out another ticket?"

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