My Little English Corner

A new accent is an adventure. Be bold! Exaggerate wildly!

花心大萝卜文青的纠音网恋情史(10)—Far and Beyond 纠音

(2012-05-11 05:35:35) 下一个


我这两天真是得戒一下网了,工作上有一点儿最后的wrap-up,email需要备份什么的,周末母亲节带妈妈出去,再过几天就是我们结婚纪念日,加上新工作的commute,需要给车子检修检修,等等,闲事太多。 我下一步还会常来坛子里。因为一发言后看到有回帖就又得关注着,就很容易又灌起水来了,所以以后会少发言,大家不要介意。如果需要跟我联系,发给我QQH就好,我应该能保证至少2,3天查一次。

竹马真是知音,说得非常好:海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。I am still waiting for your report on TM. :)


永学哥和小薇:谢谢你们的好诗和好译。我取名花心大萝卜其实是希望我们纠音路上多一点花心,多一些学习方法,换着花样提高,总有一个方法更适合我们。这样不至于很快就觉得没有进步而放弃,也不至于一条路走到黑。Good luck with your endeavor!


RC:看到你说口语的事。对的,纠音不是我们的最终目的,提高communication skill才是。我本来打算写一篇分享一下去烤面包的收获的,但是时间上不允许了。但是我写过一点儿,给你考在这里。练口语的话这是一个很好的途径,尤其是table topics。我自己觉得在坛子里纠音收益大,在toastmaster上对表达的提高收益更大一些。Communication是双向的,坛子里很难达到口头的双向交流。下面是前几天写的一点儿关于toastmaster的给我的收获,供你参考。

I have been going to two toastmaster clubs (one weekly, the other, bi-weekly). Every time I go there, I not only learn new skills of public speaking, but also get inspired by my fellow toastmasters’ aspirations and the messages they convey in their speeches. I also made friends with a woman from Laos, who went through a lot in life(a civil war in Laos, an escape to the US, an abusive relationship, a divorce, and then being a single mom for over ten years, etc.), but she is now strong, confident, healthy and happily remarried to a caring husband. She got into Reiki because of some back pain from a car accident. She is now a certified Reiki healer with her own private practice. I told her she is a role model for me. She smiled and said, I can be a friend.

The clubs value my participation as well. When I announced that I would be working in another city and had to switch to a club near my future company, they flooded me with congratulations and compliments, like “we will miss your energy”, “your smile lightens up the whole room”, “come back if you start working from home again”. They are super nice and always make me feel great.





听风:谢谢你在语调上给我的帮助,和你的鼓励。我非常感动。那个English is Stupid可能你贴的时候我那几天电脑上看不了youtube,当天没有看也就没有回帖,我没有discouraged,你想多了。后来看到那个video,觉得说的很对,其实俺厨师也讲过类似的话,她的Miracle Technique当时就让我很震惊,written English太害人了,小莲和小蒲的好多问题都是因为我们学英语是开始学英语是先学written English引起的。谢谢你一直关注着我的进展。我以后有空了还会上录音,等你给我提意见。


Shark,谢谢你的修改,我看得出你功底很深厚,棋逢敌手的感觉。我昨天写的匆忙,差一点儿误了接娃。那个toastmasters club我是属于两个的。Pregnancy with my daughter没有错。你说的很多我的run-on sentences是非常对的,我写作以前Lilac也给我指出过,很容易犯这个毛病。其他有的地方我不是很同意,有的我是觉得两可的,会再问问native speaker怎么说更地道一些。


Mark Twain的这段话一直想送给美风 because you are one of the really great people! 你懂的。你教会我很多东西,其中之一就是怎么样辨别朋友和How to be a good friend。

现在用这句话送给美语世界的所有朋友们,We can all be great!

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that but the really great make you feel that you too can become great. When you are seeking to bring big plans to fruition it is important with whom you regularly associate. Hang out with friends who are like-minded and who are also designing purpose-filled lives. Similarly be that kind of a friend for your friends.

---Mark Twain


《The End》I love you all~~~


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