My Little English Corner

A new accent is an adventure. Be bold! Exaggerate wildly!


(2011-11-02 14:22:54) 下一个



The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will induct Verizon Communications into its WasteWise Hall of Fame in November in a nod to the company's recycling (pronounce this word as three syllables instead of four – ruh SEYEK leeng instead of ree SEYE kuh leeng)and waste reduction efforts. Verizon joined the EPA's (be sure to pronounce the final /z/) voluntary (pronounce the first ‘o’ as the /ah/ sound – VAH lin tair ee) program in 1994, and has since won nine (slow this word down so there is enough time to pronounce both the /ah/ and the /ee/ sounds in the /eye/ combination, and then pronounce a long final /n/ - NEYEN) awards. But beyond the recognition (be sure to pronounce the /g/ in the second syllable – make sure that you give yourself enough time to touch the back part of your tongue to the roof of your mouth for the /g/ - reh kuhg NI shin), the communications company has saved some $16 million in purchasing costs by reducing waste. The company has also been able to turn the unwanted materials into revenue streams, such as $10 million in waste prevention revenue and more than $21 million in total recycling revenue. To do this, Verizon allowed customers to recycle unused wireless phones and batteries at drop-off centers located (place the stress on the first syllable – LOH kay did) in its retail stores. This yielded more than 900 (watch the “nine” here as well),000 wireless phones and accessories (you changed the middle /s/ sound to an /l/ sound – ehk SEH ser eez) and 60,000 pounds of rechargeable batteries that were sent to local domestic violence agencies.


verizon r应该噘嘴

induct 短音i再稍微注意一下,

recognization g虽不发音,但应留有舌位停留。

million 应该是“mil银”的音,不是mi林的音。

wireless ai发得不到位

retail /ei/发得想唉的音


pounds (梅花奥发得不太好,应该从梅花爱开始,再收嘴发o,再开嘴发n,这个不容易)


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will induct (可连读)Verizon Communications into its WasteWise Hall of(可连读)Fame in November in a nod to the company's recycling (pronounce this word as three syllables instead of four – ruh SEYEK leeng instead of ree SEYE kuh leeng)and waste reduction efforts.(or发得不太好,查查字典,以前大S说过这个发音,as in sport)  Verizon joined the EPA's (be sure to pronounce the final /z/) voluntary (pronounce the first ‘o’ as the /ah/ sound – VAH lin tair ee) program in 1994, and has since won nine (slow this word down so there is enough time to pronounce both the /ah/ and the /ee/ sounds in the /eye/ combination, and then pronounce a long final /n/ - NEYEN) awards. But beyond the recognition (be sure to pronounce the /g/ in the second syllable – make sure that you give yourself enough time to touch the back part of your tongue to the roof of your mouth for the /g/ - reh kuhg NI shin), the communications company has saved some $16 million in purchasing costs by reducing(美 语u,不是ju)  waste. The company has also been able to turn the unwanted materials into revenue streams, such as $10 million in waste prevention revenue and more than $21 million in total recycling revenue. To do this, Verizon allowed customers to recycle unused wireless phones and batteries at drop-off centers located (place the stress on the first syllable – LOH kay did) in its retail stores. This yielded more than 900 (watch the “nine” here as well),000 wireless phones and accessories (you changed the middle /s/ sound to an /l/ sound – ehk SEH ser eez) and 60,000 pounds (梅花奥发得不太好,应该从梅花爱开始,再收嘴发o,再开嘴发n,这个不容易) of rechargeable batteries that were sent to local domestic violence agencies.

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