My first speech: Ice Breaker
(2011-07-14 13:54:28)
At the end of today's Toastmaster meeting, they were talking about the schedule for next week. Someone asked whether I wanted to be the Ah-counter next time. I said, I actually was thinking to be a backup speaker for Angie(who showed some reluctance when she was told that she would be one of the speakers next time). Angie said, "oh, thanks! Go ahead, I would give up my slot at a heartbeat, I love icebreakers!". So now here I am: I have to start thinking about a speech for next Thursday, a speech about myself. I thought of the following, the opening and ending of my speech. Between now and next Thursday, I need to fill in the body of the speech with 4-6 minutes of blah, blah...
When I started preparing my first speech, I reflected on these two questions: Who am I? What leads me here? Professionally, I am a [my profession] who works from home because the company is too far to commute to. Inside the family, I am a daughter, a wife and a mother. What leads me here? It is the roles I have both professionally and in the family, and my obsession with language, especially English, that played an important role throughout various decisions of my life, that lead me here.
[blah... blah...will update.]
This is who I am, a [my profession ] professionally, a daughter, a wife and a mother. An obsession with language, a passion towards communication, communication with the outside world, and communication with my family have led me here. So in addition to being a [my profession], a daughter, a wife and a mother, today: I become a Toastmaster.