
On art, culture, family, adventure, and miao's endless quest for the meanings in life.

Old Dog & New Tricks

(2010-10-14 13:19:55) 下一个

Have you ever seen an old dog learning new tricks? You will be surprised old dogs indeed can learn new tricks. To give you an example: that old dog is me. (Although I am more of a cat!!) Two years ago, on May 13, 2008, this old dog decided to learn swimming.

With in 5 minutes walking distance, near this old dog’s house there was a splendid outdoor swim club tugged inside a bushy corner of a quiet neighborhood. The old dog’s family has been this private swim club member since 1998; however, the old dog, me, has never gone swimming with them, not even once.

In May, 2008, out of the blue, I decided to learn swimming. First, I dug out my old swimming suit I bought many years ago (Wonder why I had one?!), and I borrowed my son’s goggle; off I went with my husband, Lam, to the pool. That afternoon, while everyone else was enjoying the pool, I stood there and stared at the water by the steps. “Jump in.” Lam told me. “I’m trying!” I said. That day I made a progress and dipped my toe in. That was it, my first day at the pool. Not bad.

Every day I made some progress. Little by little I could use a kickboard and kicked back and forth for many laps, staying longer, with head above the water. I could not immerse my head into the water. For three months, I was doing just that, kicking. A kid swimming next to me always looked at me; she must be wondering what was wrong with me as she could do breast stroke, free-style and flip-turn while I was just kick-boarding everyday. To be honest I felt quite embarrassed actually. But I did not give up and went everyday. Not bad.

How about going to school to learn swimming? I believed taking swimming lesson could be helpful. I signed up a swim class at a community college in Fall, a one-unit class for $20. What a bargain! Those three months in that swimming class did work. Started with kick-boarding, I learned floating. First do kicking with a board and with head in the water, then without a board… then back stroke. I also watched youtube swimming videos. That helped a great deal. And the rest was history! Viola!! I was swimming without a board! I could swim among those young college kids at the swimming class. I was doing very well. Now nobody in the club knows that I am a rookie. I could even compete with Lam and held a tight race. I can proudly tell people that I can do all four styles; yes, I can do butterfly too! Not bad.

My goal is set to swim for 40 minutes every day, rain or shine year round. I have been swimming everyday (except some days) since may 2008. Don't let laziness get in the way. Swimming is a mental challenge, a not physical one. It is a training, just like going on a trip, determination is the key. Don't say it is just swimming, skip a day or two is no biggy. I won't buy that.

Who says old dog cannot learn new tricks!  If I can learn swimming and so can you. If I can and so can you. My friend, learn something. Any excuses?

In cold weather, getting into the pool is a torture. Ahhhhhhhhh....

The outdoor pool where Lam & I swim everyday for about 40 minutes in the pool.


-Photo by Miaomiao Mia. © 2010 Miaomiao Mia. All Rights Served.


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