
寻找新的天空, 完善自己.

To an Oak - 致橡树

(2011-04-19 12:11:02) 下一个
To an oak  -  translated by 雪融红玫 from Shuting's original version in Chinese


If I loved you, I would never be like a creeper climbing on your lofty body to show off

I would not be like a flower on the peak to increase you height

Or to flaunt your shiner,

If I loved you, I would not like a silly bird singing same song to you yearly

I would be not only a spring creek bringing you freshment continuly;

but also a kapok standing next to you,

Along together with you as a tree, not as a vine.

Our root hold together tightly under the ground;

Our leaves touch each other in the sky.

With every breeze, we greeting each other gently and exchange our lovely message ,

And no one would know what we speak.

You have your trunk as strong as iron,

I have my bright red flowers with liveliness,

We cherish each other no matter winter, summer or thunder.

We watch sunrise, sunset and rainbow together,

It seems like we are apart but together always.



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