CFA SAS FRM Statistics Finance

CFA SAS FRM Statistics Finance Ebook Download


(2010-11-13 02:08:38) 下一个

12.Fabozzi著作合集 RAR


Active Private Equity Real Estate Stategy
Advanced Bond Portfolio Management - Best Practice in Modelling and Strategies
Advanced Stochastic Models, Risk Assessment, and Portfolio Optimization
Bayesian Methods in Finance
Capital Budgeting - Theory and Practice
Capital Markets,Financial Management,and Investment Management
Credit Derivatives Instruments, Applications, and Pricing
Developments in Collateralized Debt Obligations New Products and Insights
Fat-tailed and Skewed Asset Return Distributions
Finance - Capital Markets, Financial Management, and Investment Management
Financial Econometrics - From Basic to Advanced Modeling Techniques
Financial Management And Analysis
Financial Management and Analysis Workbook Step-by-Step Exercises and Tests
Financial Modeling of the Equity Market
Foundations of Economic Value Added
Handbook Of Alternative Assets
Handbook of Equity Style Management
Handbook of Finance - v1 - Financial Markets and Instruments
Handbook of Municipal Bonds
How to Select Investment Managers and Evaluate Performance- a Guide to Pension Funds, Foundations, and Trust
Institutional Investment Management
Interest Rate, Term Structure, and Valuation Modeling
Introduction to securitization
Introduction to Structured Finance
Investment Performance Measurement
Legacy of the Modern Portfolio Theory
leveraged finance
Managing Credit Risk In Corporate Bond Portfolios A Practitioner's Guide
Market Neutral Strategies
Math. of Financial Modeling and Investment Management - Focardi & Fabozzi
Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk
Mortgage-Backed Securities Products, Structuring, and Analytical Techniques
Operational Risk A Guide to Basel II
Probability Metrics and Portfolio Optimization
Professional Perspectives on Fixed Income Portfolio Management
Quantitative Equity Investing- Techniques and Strategies
Robust Portfolio Optimization and Management
Short Selling - Strategies, Risks, and Rewards
Stochastic Volatility and the Pricing of Financial Derivative
Structured Products and Related Credit Derivatives A Comprehensive Guide for Investors
Subprime Mortage Credit Derivatives
The Basics of Finance- An Introduction
The Global Money Markets
The Handbook of Commodity Investing
The Handbook of European fixed income securities
The Handbook of European Structured Financial Products
The Handbook of Financial Instruments
The Handbook of Mortgage-backed Securities 6th
The Mathematics of Financial Modeling and Investment Management
The Real Estate Investment Handbook
The Theory and Practices of Investment Management
Trends in Quantitative Finance
Unlocking the Secrets of the fed - How Monetary Policy Affects the Economy and Your Wealth - Creation Potential


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