神奇恩典,好甜美声音(Amazing grace! How sweet the sound) 把无助的我拯救!(That saved a wretch like me! ) 我曾迷失,已找到出路(I once was lost, but now am found,) 我盲目,重见光晖(Was blind, but now can see. ) 神密教我心存恐惧,(\'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,) 恩赐我去除恐惧(And grace my Fears relieved; ) 神的出现何等珍贵(How precious did that grace appear) 初次信你时刻!(The hour I first believed! ) 历经危险艰辛困苦(Through many dangers, toils and snares,) 我终于到家(I have already come;) 神的爱使我安全无虞,(Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,) 神(指)引我回(到)家。(And grace will lead me home.) 神与我们(已)相聚,万年悠悠(And when we\'ve been there ten thousand years,) 光芒如太阳 (Bright shining as the sun, ) 我们将终生歌唱神的恩惠(We\'ll have no less days to sing God\'s praise 犹如那当初 (Than when we first begun. )
Fabulous Photography by Dr.Xie Youqin (Quinster)/Amazing Grace (Singing: MiaoMiao yuanyuan88)
Amazing Grace - Rhema 7yr old Gospel singer plz Share
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