
JoshuaChow (热门博主)
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缅因州女议员Andrea Boland 建议:手机销售时须贴上手机会致癌的警告标签

(2011-02-22 20:19:08) 下一个

Maine Rep. Andrea Boland (D-Sanford) is submitting a proposal that would mandate cancer warning labels on cell phones. While the cell phone-brain cancer link is still inconclusive, there is enough research, particularly with long-term effects that show such a link, that made Boland see the need for a consumer warning.

"Scientists warned about tobacco dangers in the '30s and '40s," she says. "But we didn't do the right thing and it took way too long to get the information to consumers about the dangers of tobacco."

This comes on the heels of a similar push in San Francisco supported by Mayor Gavin Newsom that would require all cell phone retailers to label the phones with the SAR radiation levels they emit.

Maine's proposed warning label is stronger, however. If passed, Boland's bill would mandate that cell phone manufacturers put labels on phones that warn of the potential for brain cancer linked to low-grade electromagnetic radiation. The phones would have a color graphic of a child's brain and the word "warning" printed in large, red letters.

Boland's proposal to have a printed warning on each phone is scheduled to be discussed during the 2010 session that starts in January, says The AP.

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is in favor of a proposed measure being considered by the San Francisco Department of the Environment that would require all cell phone retailers to label the phones with the radiation levels they emit. If the proposal passes, it would be the first of its kind in the country.

"The information exists, but not at the point of sale," Mayor Newsom said. "If we prevail, and I believe we will prevail, other cities will follow suit."

The FCC currently requires cell phone manufacturers to stay above a certain Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limit, which is a measure of radiation it considers as safe exposure. However, recent studies have found increased rates of brain tumors and salivary gland tumors, particularly among people who have used the cell phones for more than 10 years. Some experts are calling for a review of the FCC limits.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently made news when its ten-year study found a link between long term cell phone use and brain tumors. Earlier, the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a leading public heath and environmental advocacy group, conducted its own research and also came to the conclusion that there is cause for concern. EWG created an online database where consumers can look up the radiation levels of their cell phones.

The proposed legislation that Mayor Newsom supports would require cell phone retailers to display the radiation level (SAR value) next to each phone in a font at least as large as the price and provide information about what SAR values mean. The Department of Public Health would monitor compliance and could levy fines to those stores that don’t comply.















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