Santana-2007【Ultimate Santana】MP3
专辑名称:Ultimate Santana
压缩码率:192K VBR
地 区:美国
【专辑介绍】 老牌拉丁吉他之王Santana最新的新歌加精选.除了收入多首2000年前后的大热作品外,还有几首70年代的代表作.对于我这样很少接触老人家早期作品的人来说,这些作品给了我更多机会了解他不同于现在的一面.
(找来了专辑在美国持续热卖的加拿大摇滚天团Nickelback的主唱Chad Kroeger),第二首带有明显HIP-HOP和拉丁风情的(这首卖点明显是最近不怎么走运的J.LO)是近期录制的以外,更吸引我眼球的是曾在02年暴红,并且和Michelle Branch还拿到一座最佳流行合唱的Grammy奖座的原来还有一个和老辣的摇滚皇后Tina Turner合作的版本.而这一版,完全不同于Michelle Branch那一版的清新和甜美,同样流畅的曲调,由Tina来演绎,却有着别样的风情和精彩,就象一杯陈年的美酒,醇厚馥郁,绝对不缺乏回味.........如果说Michelle的版本是两种风格不同的两代人之间碰撞的结果,Tina这版却是象量体裁衣般的贴合和舒服......... 专辑最后的新歌Interplanetary Party则是首醒神的热闹拉丁派队歌,轻松而惬意,为这场难得的音乐飨宴划上了完美的句点~
01. Into The Night (featuring Chad Kroeger) - previously unreleased
02. This Boy\'s Fire(feat. Jennifer Lopez and Baby Bash) - previously unreleased
03. Smooth(w/Rob Thomas) - from Supernatural (released June 1999)
04. Maria Maria(w/Product G&B) - from Supernatural (released June 1999)
05. Oye Como Va- from Abraxas (released Sept. 1970)
06. Black Magic Woman- from Abraxas (released Sept. 1970)
07. Evil Ways- from Santana (released Aug. 1969)
08. Corazon Espinado(w/Maná) - from Supernatural (released June 1999)
09. Europa - from album Amigos (released March 1976)
10. The Game of Love (w/Tina Turner) - previously unreleased
11. Put Your Lights On(w/Everlast) - from Supernatural (released June 1999)
12. Why Don\'t You & I(w/Alex Band of The Calling) - (single released internationally July 2003)
13. Everybody\'s Everything- from Santana III (released Sept. 1971)
14. Just Feel Better(w/Steven Tyler) - from All That I Am (released Nov. 2005)
15. Samba Pa Ti- from Abraxas (released Sept. 1970)
16. No One To Depend On - from Santana III (released Sept. 1971)
17. The Game of Love(w/Michelle Branch) -from Shaman (released Oct. 2002)
18. Interplanetary Party- previously unreleased