
如果方舟子阴谋设计了整个事件,我们一点都不奇怪。--Evan Kass

(2010-09-26 08:03:35) 下一个
如果方舟子阴谋设计了整个事件,我们一点都不奇怪。--Evan Kass (4763 bytes)
Posted by: mendel
Date: September 26, 2010 03:58AM

还是洋人强。Evan Kass对方舟子的揭露和认识真是入木三分啊

很不幸,竟然有人试图在没有证据或证据不被同行认可的状况下给肖医生定罪。那个叫 Jian




Perhaps,is not reviewed by moderator yet. He posted it at
21:40 on Saturday
Evan Kass MD Chief of Pediatric Urology Beaumont Children\\\'s Hospital has commented Saturday, September 25, 2010,21:40:44

Unfortunately, there are those who would try to convict Dr Xiao without evidence or a fair judgement of the evidence by his peers. Jian Ping\\\'s comments are typical of those who would convict an innocent man without a fair and honest view of the evidence. Certainly, I defend Dr Xiao because he is, in my opinion, an honest hardworking scientist and surgeon. I have personally witnessed Dr Xiao doing his surgery and must say that he is an exceptionally gifted surgeon who would be successful in any country in the world. He did not need to falsify data to justify his procedure and I can tell you honestly that his procedure has worked wonderfully in some of our patients. Does it work for every child with spina bifida? Certainly not. Can we sub-select patients who would do better than others? Absolutely. That is the purpose of our study, and those that would criticize our methodology or the fact that Dr Xiao\\\'s procedure has some validity have to do more than simply bark at the moon.

Our study at Beaumont has passed through multiple reviews both internally and externally before we were able to enroll patients, and anyone who tries to criticize our methodology, obviously is not objective and one must certainly question their motivations. As to the charge of assault, it is obvious that I, nor anyone on this blog knows the truth, but if you follow the career of Mr Fang, one should be very suspicious of any charges that Mr fang makes, because he is a man possessed by the need for revenge. If one chooses the side of a man who has been charged with plagerism, lost his counterclaim in court and has spent the last several years trying to destroy the career of the man he suspects of reporting him for falsifying data, then one certainly has to question that persons judgement. I choose to defend an honorable man that I know is a gifted surgeon, hard working scientist and a gentle kind soul.

Could he have been pushed to his limit by a man who has harassed him at every turn and has tried to ruin his good reputation? Perhaps. Anyone can be pushed beyond the point of no return if they are constantly bombarded with false accusations, but, in my opinion, I do not think Dr Xiao is capable of such an action. Dr Xiao, despite all of the attempts of Mr Fang to discredit him continues to be a well respected person throughout the world and is not a desperate man.

Most of us in the scientific community have read the ravings of Mr Fang and dismissed them as the words of a man hell bent on revenge. We would not be surprised if he engineered this whole event.

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