
Barbra Streisand ENCORE: Movie Partners Sing Broadway

(2023-09-08 06:45:26) 下一个


AT THE BALLET with Anne Hathaway & Daisy Ridley
(From A Chorus Line)

Anne Hathaway
Daisy Ridley

《A Chorus Line》讲述了一群满怀希望的表演者参加百老汇演出试镜的故事。 第一轮试镜结束后,导演兼编舞要求每位试镜者谈谈自己。他们分享了自己的个人经历、梦想和弱点。 该剧将带您踏上他们的人生旅程,揭示塑造他们为艺术抱负的牺牲、激情和奋斗。 《A Chorus Line》歌颂了艺术家们的韧性以及他们对聚光灯的不屈奉献。《A Chorus Line》有趣、令人心碎,而且诚实得令人耳目一新。

录音花絮视频欣赏:At the Ballet

LOVING YOU with Patrick Wilson
(From Passion)

Patrick Wilson

1863年,在意大利的一个偏远前哨基地,乔治·巴切蒂上尉和他美丽的情人克拉拉通过信件建立了热情的关系,但只有在乔治离开基地时能有短暂相聚。 乔治在前哨基地时,他遇到了福斯卡 - 他的上级军官的体弱多病、长相丑陋的表妹。 福斯卡痴迷于乔治并深深地爱上了他。 乔治拒绝了她的示好,但又离不开她,并发现自己理解并欣赏她对他的忠诚。 虽然他确实爱克拉拉,但她在米兰,并且嫁给了另一个男人。 乔治意识到他必须做出选择,决定他一生想要拥有什么样的爱情。 他会继续书信中的幸福,并偶尔与美丽的克拉拉重聚吗? 或者他会屈服于病态而痴迷的福斯卡的无拘无束的激情吗?

录音花絮视频欣赏:Loving You

(From The Road of the Greasepaint - The Smell of the Crowd)

Anthony Newley

这部寓言式的情节更像是音乐厅的作品,而不是音乐剧,探讨了20世纪60年代英国社会上层阶级和下层阶级之间的现状。 两个主角是Sir和Cocky。 由于Sir总是改变生活的游戏规则,受压迫的年轻Cocky总是吃亏。 Cocky试图在游戏中击败Sir,但Sir两次都击败了他。

当Cocky看到一个黑人新角色在他和Sir的背后赢得了比赛时,他受到了启发。 通过无视规则,Cocky成功获胜,但他和Sir都无法在没有对方的情况下运作。

录音花絮视频欣赏:Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)

Any Moment Now with Hugh Jackman
(From Smile)

Hugh Jackman

《Smile》带您了解20世纪80年代加州青少年选美比赛的幕后故事。 故事讲述了参赛者为大型赛事做准备的故事,每个人都有自己的梦想和不安全感。 随着压力的增加和友谊的考验,该剧深入探讨了青少年生活的复杂性和对完美的追求。 《Smile》探讨了人们在寻找自我意识的同时,为了适应社会标准而付出的努力。

录音花絮视频欣赏:Any Moment Now

(From Road Show)

Alec Baldwin

《Road Show》讲述了19世纪末美国男男女女愿意冒险去实现他们的美国梦的故事。 该剧特别关注艾迪生·米兹纳和威尔逊·米兹纳两兄弟,他们不断寻找下一条致富之路。 他们在阿拉斯加的淘金热和佛罗里达州的土地繁荣等机会中全力以赴。 在整部剧中,兄弟俩不断地重塑自己,代表着美国“反弹”到下一个伟大机遇的能力。

录音花絮视频欣赏:The Best Thing That Ever Has Happened

ANYTHING YOU CAN DO with Melissa McCarthy
(From Annie Get Your Gun)

Melissa McCarthy



录音花絮视频欣赏:Anything You Can Do

(From Right This Way/My Fair Lady)

Chris Pine


录音花絮视频欣赏:I'll Be Seeing You/I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face

PURE IMAGINATION with Seth MacFarlane
(From Charkie and the Chocolate Factory)

Seth MacFarlane


录音花絮视频欣赏:Pure Imagination

TAKE ME TO THE WORLD with Antonio Banderas
(From Evening Primrose)

Antonio Banderas


查尔斯对其遭遇表同情,埃娜却不领情,因为她有回忆,而她并不需要别人可怜。其他人都反对查尔斯跟埃娜交往,因为她是一个异类 - 她不是自愿为了逃避世界才进来的。查尔斯却没有理会,教埃娜作诗写字,二人渐生情愫。到最后他们还决定要违抗文地太太偷走出去,可惜消息走漏,文地太太和暗之使者相继追捕二人。第二天,一对年轻情侣来到百货公司橱窗外,发现一对打扮成新郎新娘的人体模型。它们的面貌跟查尔斯和埃娜一模一样。

录音花絮视频欣赏:Take Me to the World

(From The Sound of Music)

Jamie Foxx

该剧根据冯·特拉普家族歌手的真实故事改编,讲述了在第二次世界大战的恐怖中成长和希望的个人故事。 《音乐之声》讲述了年轻的天主教徒玛丽亚·雷纳的故事,她的自由精神难以融入农伯格修道院的规章制度。 受女修道院院长的委托,玛丽亚担任七个失去母亲的孩子的家庭教师,她将冯·特拉普家从一个充满严酷规章制度的地方变成了一个充满欢乐、笑声和音乐的地方。 在此过程中,玛丽亚赢得了所有七个孩子的心,以及他们的鳏夫父亲冯·特拉普上尉。 在女修道院院长的祝福下,让孩子们高兴的是,玛丽亚听从了自己的心意,玛丽亚和上尉结婚了。 蜜月回国后,玛丽亚和上尉得知他们心爱的奥地利已被纳粹占领,退休的上尉被要求立即到纳粹海军服役。 当纳粹分子出现在他们家门口准备带走冯·特拉普上尉时,一场家庭唱歌活动(由他们的朋友麦克斯巧妙地操纵)在举行,这为一家人赢得了侥幸逃脱的时间。 他们的奥地利信念迫使上尉玛丽亚和孩子们翻越瑞士的山脉逃到安全的地方,牢记女修道院院长的话:“攀登每一座山……直到找到你的梦想。”

录音花絮视频欣赏:Climb Ev'ry Mountain


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1. At the Ballet

[Daisy Ridley/Bebe]
I really need this job

[Barbra Streisand/Sheila]
Not more than I do. Believe me. Hi, I'm Shelia. What's your name?

Bebe. And this is Maggie

Hi, Maggie

[Anne Hathaway/Maggie]


Gosh, there's a lot of people here

Yeah, it's a cattle call

But you'll get the job for sure, Maggie. You're so pretty

Haha! Oh believe me looks are overrated. Just a different set of problems

Okay ladies. Line up. We'll start with you. You. Number 24

My name is Sheila. What do you wanna know?

Why don't you tell me why you're in this business?

I wanted to be a ballet dancer.
What else? The light, by the way, is a very funny color. Do you have anything softer?

Don't--don't worry about the lights

It's very harsh

So tell me, do you always come on like this?

No. Sometimes I'm aggressive

[Bebe and Maggie laugh]

Just--just bring it down

Bring what down?

Your attitude, miss

It's Sheila

Okay, Sheila. Why don't you tell me about your parents

My parents?


Well, my mother was a ballerina until my father made her quit



Tell me more

Tell you more?

Daddy always thought that he married beneath him
That's what he said, that's what he said
When he proposed he informed my mother
He was probably her very last chance

And though she was twenty-two
Though she was twenty-two
Though she was twenty-two
She married him

Life with my dad wasn't ever a picnic
More like a "come as you are."
When I was five I remember my mother
Dug earrings out of the car
I knew they weren't hers, but it wasn't
Something you'd want to discuss

He wasn't warm
Well, not to her
Well, not to us
Come to think of it

Everything was beautiful at the ballet
Graceful men lift lovely girls in white
Everything was beautiful at the ballet
I was happy at the ballet

That's when I started class

Up a steep and very narrow stairway
To the voice like a metronome
Up a steep and very narrow stairway

It wasn't paradise

It wasn't paradise

It wasn't paradise

But it was home

Okay Number Eighteen

I'm Bebe, sir

And what's your story?

I don't know what you mean

Okay. On the subject of mothers what about yours?

My mother?

Yes, yours

She lied to me

She lied to you?

Mother always said I'd be very attractive
When I grew up, when I grew up
"Diff'rent," she said, "With a special something
And a very, very personal flair."

And though I was eight or nine
Though I was eight or nine
Though I was eight or nine
I hated her

"Diff'rent" is nice, but it sure isn't pretty
"Pretty" is what it's about
I never met anyone who was "diff'rent"
Who couldn't figure that out

So beautiful I'd never live to see
But it was clear

If not to her
Well then to me

That everyone is beautiful at the ballet
Every prince has got to have his swan


Everyone is beautiful at the ballet


I was pretty
At the ballet

Up a steep and very narrow stairway
To the voice like a metronome
Up a steep and very narrow stairway

It wasn't paradise

It wasn't paradise

It wasn't paradise

But it was home

Alright, Number Six

Number Six that's me, Maggie. Can I tell you about my parents?

Go ahead

I don't know what they were for or against, really, except each other
I mean, I was born to save their marriage
But when my father came to pick my mother up at the hospital he said
"Well, I thought this was going to help
But I guess it's not."
Anyway, I did have a fantastic fantasy life
I used to dance around the living room with my arms up like this
My fantasy was that it was an Indian Chief
And he'd say to me
"Maggie, do you wanna dance?"
And I'd say, "Daddy, I would love to dance."

But it was clear
When he proposed
That I was born to help their marriage and when

That's what he said

That's what she said

I used to dance around the living room

He wasn't warm

Not to her

It was an Indian chief and he'd say
"Maggie, do you wanna dance?"
And I said, "Daddy, I would love to"

Everything was beautiful at the ballet
Raise your arms and someone's always there
Everything was beautiful at the ballet

[Bebe] At the ballet

At the ballet!

Yes everything was beautiful at the ballet


I was pretty

I was happy

"I would love to."

At the ballet

God, I hope I get this job

Yeah? Me, too

What about me?

Okay ladies. We will let you know. Next

2. Loving You

[Spoken Intro: Barbra Streisand & Patrick Wilson]
You have to face the truth. You have to let me go
I can't. You don't understand...

[Verse 1: Barbra Streisand]
Loving you is not a choice
It's who I am
Loving you is not a choice
And not much reason to rejoice
But it gives me purpose
Gives me voice to say to the world:
This is why I live
You are why I live

[Spoken Interlude: Barbra Streisand & Patrick Wilson]
Can't you see it's over?
I don't believe that

[Verse 2: Barbra Streisand]
Loving you is why I do
The things I do
Loving you is not in my control
But loving you, I have a goal
For what's left of my life
I will live
And I would die for you

[Spoken Interlude: Barbra Streisand & Patrick Wilson]
Don't say that
Then say you don't love me
But you know I do

[Verse 3: Barbra Streisand & Patrick Wilson]
Loving you is not a choice
It's who I am
Loving you is not a choice
And not much reason to rejoice
But it gives me purpose
Gives me voice to say to the world:
This is why I live
You are why I live

[Verse 4: Barbra Streisand, Patrick Wilson & Both]
Loving you is why I do the things I do (The things I do)
Loving you is not in my control (Not in my control)
But loving you, I have a goal
For what's left of my life (For the rest of my life)
I will live
And I would die for you
For you
For you, I would die for you
For you

3. Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)

[Intro: Barbra Streisand]
Who can I turn to
When nobody needs me
My heart wants to know
So I must go where destiny leads me

[Verse 1: Barbra Streisand & Anthony Newley]
With no star to guide me
And no one beside me
I'll go on my way and after the day
The darkness will hide me
But maybe tomorrow
I'll find what I'm after
I'll throw off my sorrow
Beg, steal or borrow my share of laughter
'Cause with you, I could learn to
With you on a new day
But who can I turn to if you turn away

[Verse 2: Barbra Streisand, Anthony Newley & Both]
With no star to guide me
And no one beside me
I'll go on my way, and after the day
The darkness will hide me (Will hide me)
Maybe tomorrow (Maybe tomorrow)
I'll find what I'm after (I will find it)
I'll throw off my sorrow
Beg, steal or borrow my share of laughter
My share of laughter, with you I could learn to
With you on a new day
But who can I turn to if you turn away

[Verse 3: Barbra Streisand, Anthony Newley & Both]
With no star to guide me
And no one beside me
I'll go on my way, and after the day
The darkness will hide me
And maybe tomorrow (Maybe tomorrow)
I'll find what I'm after (Will I find it?)
I'll throw off my sorrow
I may have to borrow my share of laughter
With you, I could learn to (With you I could learn to)
With you on a new day (There's always a new day)
But who can I turn to if you turn away

[Outro: Barbra Streisand & Anthony Newley]
Don't turn away
Who can I turn to if you turn away?
Don't turn away
Who can I turn to?

4. Any Moment Now

[Spoken Intro: Barbra Streisand & Hugh Jackman]
Hi, Honey! I'm home! *(Door closes)* Sorry I'm late, my appointments went on and on...
No no. It's okay. I-I ate already
Yeah, well when I didn't hear from you. I assu-
Oh, I'm so sorry
It's fine don't worry
I really- meant to call
So how-how's the script?
Uh yeah, it's coming along. It's good. Good, yeah
Good, good. Um... I had my hair cut. Do you like it?
Uh-huh. Yeah. I ha-hang on one second.
I'm in the middle of writing something. Hang on
Oh. I'm sorry. Um... I'm- I'm going upstairs
Listen don't- *(Sighs)*
Alright. I'll be up

[Verse 1: Barbra Streisand]
Any moment now, he'll notice me
Me and my butterfly heart
Any moment now he'll turn around and grin
And say "At last, where have you been?

[Chorus 1: Barbra Streisand]
We're late for daybreak on the Riviera"
If not the Riviera, the beach at Malibu
The rich Madera sunset going on forever
With my arms growing cold
And his arms growing warm with life unfolding

[Verse 2: Barbra Streisand]
Any moment now, he'll say to me
"Why don't you follow your heart?"
How can he know that I've been praying he'd arrive
Afraid to come alive 'til then
Just saying, any moment now

[Spoken Interlude: Barbra Streisand & Hugh Jackman]
Listen, can you tell that I'm a little frustrated?
Well, so am I
I mean, I feel like you've been avoiding me
Me, avoiding you?
You-you're avoiding us
I mean, you're always out having meetings or--
I'm not always out
It would be nice if you just stayed home once in a while. Just the two of us
Well, I wouldn't be much fun, honey. I don't drink
Oh ho- Well, you gotta have something to wash down a frozen dinner
Wow. I don't know how to answer that. Look, I am going to sleep

[Verse 3: Hugh Jackman]
Any moment now, she'll notice me
Me and my simple guy ways
Any moment now, she said she'll settle down
If that were true, I'd paint the town

[Chorus 2: Hugh Jackman]
I'd take her flying to Atlantic City
If not Atlantic City, to see Niagara Falls
I know a pretty trout stream up above Seattle
What a life we could build in a home that is filled with love and laughter

[Verse 4: Barbra Streisand, Hugh Jackman & Both]
Any moment now
You'll say to me
You'll humor me
Chase the past
Those overcast days (Oooh)
How can I begin forgetting where we've been
To let the laughter in again
It's always any moment now
Oh, any moment now

[Spoken Outro: Barbra Streisand & Hugh Jackman]
Promise me we'll talk about this

5. The Best Thing That Ever Has Happened

[Spoken Intro: Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand]
You dressed yet?
Dressed? Why?
We've got cocktails at the Cosdens'
Oh, geez
We said we'd drop by
Ugh, do we have to
Then, there’s dinner at the Dodges’, the reception at the Rosens'...
Ah! I think I'm gonna die!
So how about we just stay home?
Could we do that? I like your thinking

[Verse 1: Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, both]
You are the best thing that ever has happened to me
You are
Come on...
Okay, then, one of the best things that’s happened to me
You are
To think I'd find someone who could surprise me
And size me up without cutting me down?
Ain't this a town?
Sure is
You are the god-damned'est thing that has happened to me (Language!)
Ever... sorry
When did I have this much happiness happen to me?
I can’t believe my luck
And all I can do
Is be the best thing that’s happened to you

[Chorus 1: Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand] So whaddya say we just stay home? (So whaddya say we just stay home?)
So whaddya we just go out on the boat and get smashed and make love on the beach and stare up at the moon?
(Whaddya say we just go out on the boat and get smashed and make love on the beach and stare up at the moon?)

[Verse 2: Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, both]
You might just be the best thing that has happened to me
Well, so far
So far?
Of course, not much very good's ever happened to me (Aww)
So far (Me too)
I never much liked love
I always fought it
I never thought it would happen like this
Give us a kiss (Muah!)
We might just be the best thing that has happened to us
Another moment like this might not happen to us
When all is said and done
You happen to be
The best thing that ever has happened
The luckiest thing that ever has happened
You are the best thing that's happened to me
Who knew?
Who dreamed?
Beats me...

[Spoken Outro: Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand]
So don't get dressed
I was hoping you'd say that

6. Anything You Can Do

[Intro: Barbra Streisand & Melissa McCarthy]
Hi, Melissa?
Oh, wow! Barbra Streisand
Streisand, like sand on the beach, soft 'S'
Right, sorry, what are you doing here?
I'm here to see the director
He cast me as the lead in his new movie
He cast me as the lead in his new movie
That's impossible
Yeah, well we'll see
[Verse 1: Barbra Streisand, Melissa McCarthy & Both]
Anything part you can play, I can play better
I can play any part better than you
No, you can't. Yes, I can
No, you can't. Yes, I can
No, you can't. Yes, I can
Yes, I can!
Any laugh you can get, I can get bigger
I can get any laugh as big as you
With one look, with a glance
Till they cry, wet their pants
Till they roll, till they're sore
I'll get more
Oh, I can belt a D flat, and I'll never be flat
I don't have to warm up, I can act a storm up
I can do a concert tour
With hip-hop and rap?
Well, after a nap!

[Spoken Interlude: Barbra Streisand & Melissa McCarthy]
Okay, you got me there
Are you related to Matthew?
No, that's McConaughey
What about Paul?
That's McCartney!
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry

[Verse 2: Barbra Streisand, Melissa McCarthy & Both]
Any house you can build, I can build better
I can build any home grander than yours
With great taste? With ten [?]
With restraint? Lots of [?]
With a moving wall With a mall?
A mall?
In any comedy, I can be crasser
I can be cruder and crasser than you
With a belch? With a burp
With a shrug? With a slug
Yet so clean Well, I'm just not obscene
You're a dirty talker
You played Mother Falker
Bridesmaid's a keeper
Prince's dad's a weeper
We agree on quite a lot
Hey, let's make amends!
Yeah, we should be friends!

[Spoken Interlude: Barbra Streisand & Melissa McCarthy]
What do you call a man who's lost all his intelligence?
I don't know, what?
A widower

[Verse 3: Barbra Streisand, Melissa McCarthy & Both]
Anything men can do, we can do better
Anything men can do, we can do too
Steal a scene, stop the show
Fill the seats as our own
Have a child with a man
Yes, we can!
We were underrated, teased and deprecated
But we sent a male in, through the glass ceiling
There is nothing we can't do
Well, can you bake a pie? No
Well, neither can I! You know
Anything I can do, we can do better
We can do anything better as two
Make chick-flicks but it kicks
As a team, we're a dream
You're the bomb (Huh?)
You'll be great (Really?)
Like my mom!
Your mom, don't you mean sister?
Okay— Why did you say a thing like that?
Touchy Well, I mean, do you have to—
On your fan, yes we can, yes we can
Yes we can!

[Outro: Barbra Streisand & Melissa McCarthy]
Hah! Can I call you babs now?
No, too soon

7. I'll Be Seeing You/I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face

[Part I]

[Verse 1: Barbra Streisand]
So much was in the moment
When we said goodbye
I won't forget that moment
No matter how I try
Who knows if we will meet again
To make the moments warm and sweet again

[Chorus: Barbra Streisand, Chris Pine & Both]
I'll be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day and through
In that small cafe
The park across the way
The children's carousel
The chestnut trees, the wishing well
Oh, I'll be seeing you
In every lovely summer's day
In everything that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way
I'll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you

[Part II]

[Verse 2: Chris Pine & Barbra Streisand]
I've grown accustomed to her face
She almost makes the day begin
I've grown accustomed to the tune she whistles night and noon
Her smiles, her frowns, her ups and downs
Are second nature to me now
Like breathing out and breathing in (Who's breathing in)
I was serenely independent and content before we met
Surely I could always be that way again and yet
I've grown accustomed to her looks (Accustomed to his voice)
Accustomed to her face


[Chorus: Barbra Streisand, Chris Pine & Both]
I'll be seeing you
In every lovely summer's day
In everything that's light and gay
I'll always think of you that way
I'll find you in the morning sun
And when the night is new
I'll be looking at the moon
I've grown accustomed to her face
But I'll be seeing you

8. Pure Imagination

[Intro: Barbra Streisand, Seth MacFarlane]
Does the world ever frighten you?
Well, what do you do about that?
Well, I just close my eyes
Make a wish
I go into my mind, and um
Create the world the way I want it to be (Huh)
I'll show ya

[Verse 1: Barbra Streisand, Seth MacFarlane]
Come with me and you'll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look and you'll see
Into your imagination
We'll begin with a spin
Traveling in the world of our creation
What we'll see will defy

[Verse 2: Barbra Streisand, Seth MacFarlane, both]
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There's nothing to it
There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there, you'll be free
If you truly wish to be

[Bridge: Barbra Streisand, Seth MacFarlane]
You can save our every situation
Life in there's a sensational sensation

[Verse 3: Barbra Streisand, Seth MacFarlane, both]
If you want to see magic lands
Close your eyes and you will see one
Want to be a dreamer, be one
Anytime you please, and please save me one
There is no place to go
To compare with pure imagination
So go there (We'll go there)
To be free (Anywhere)
If you truly wish to be

[Outro: Barbra Streisand, Seth MacFarlane, both]
So, go there
We'll go there
To be free
If you truly wish to be

9. Take Me To the World

[Verse 1: Antonio Banderas & Barbra Streisand]
Aren't you happy here?
Just two of us in the world, a private world
Of course, but it's the only world I know
And there's whole other one outside
And I want to know that one too
No, you don't, it's cold and dark
Full of disappointment and demands
And people (Yes)

[Chorus: Barbra Streisand]
Let me see the world with clouds
Take me to the world
Out where I can push through crowds
Take me to the world
A world of skies
That's bursting with surprise
Where I can feel my miles with you
Oh, take me to the world that's real
Show me how it's done
Teach me how to laugh, to feel
Move me to the sun
Just hold my hand whenever we arrive
Take me to a world where I can be alive

[Verse 2: Antonio Banderas & Barbra Streisand]
We never be alone
People would never leave us alone
Will we be together?
That would make the difference

[Chorus: Barbra Streisand & Antonio Banderas]
Let me see the world that smiles (I have seen the world)
Take me to the world (And it's mean and ugly)
Oh, to where I see for miles (Just to see each other)
Take me to the world (It's fight with me)
Just hold my hand whenever we arrive
(Stay here, I love you, but we're happy here)
Let it be a world with you (Stay with me)
Any other world with you (Stay with me)
Take me to a world where I can be alive

[Bridge: Antonio Banderas & Barbra Streisand]
If you really love me, you would do this

[Chorus: Antonio Banderas, Barbra Streisand & Both]
Do you want the world? (I do)
Well then, you shall have the world (Thank you, my love)
Ask me for the world again
You shall have the world
A world of skies
That's bursting with surprise
To open up your eyes for joy
We shall see the world come true
We shall have the world
I won't be afraid with you
Oh, we shall have the world
I'll hold your hand I know I'm not alone
We shall have the world to keep
Such a lovely world you'll weep
We shall have the world forever for our own

10. Climb Ev'ry Mountain

[Spoken Intro: Barbra Streisand & Jamie Foxx]
Everyone has a dream, don't you think?
Yes, but the question is, how do you make it happen?
Well, first of all, if you can imagine it, then you can achieve it
Yeah, yeah, yeah but it might take a lot of time (Uh-huh)
It might take a lot of hard work
I agree, if I want something you've never had
You have to do something you've never done, right?
Mhmm, I like that
You have to have patience
One day at a time
Little by little
Step by step
With a little love in your heart
Oh, yes, indeed
Take chances too
And then

[Chorus: Jamie Foxx & Barbra Streisand]
Climb every mountain
Search high and low
Follow every highway
Every path you know, oh yeah
Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream

[Refrain: Jamie Foxx & Barbra Streisand]
A dream that will need (That will need)
All the love you can give, oh
Every day of your life (Of your life)
For as long as you live (As you live)

[Chorus: Barbra Streisand, Jamie Foxx & Both]
Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream

[Refrain: Jamie Foxx, Barbra Streisand & Both]
A dream that will need (That will need)
All the love we can give
Every day of your life (Of your life)
For as long as you live

[Chorus: Barbra Streisand & Jamie Foxx]
Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find, till you find
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream
Till you find your dream


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