Ms. Segec是她班的主要老师。
Valentine's Day时,小M送给她巧克力。
Christmas Day时,她看到
Ms. Segec喝咖啡的杯子是个玻璃瓶子,特地买了个陶瓷专用咖啡杯送给她。
Ms. Segec准备礼物
为了不让老师忘记他们,小M用中午休息的时间,收集了全班同学的签名,装在镜框里,送给了Ms. Segec 。
Ms. Segec的信
Dear Ms. Segec,
Thank you for being an awesome teacher!
You make every subject you teach, fun and interesting.
We will all miss a wonderful teacher like you.
I hope you have a great summer, and I hope you like my present.
It is a memory of the greatest class ever! (that's us!)
I know that your favourite colour is red, so I made the thing in red, too.
I know you can't eat chocolate, so I got you ...... A picture frame with everybody's signature on it!!!
Everybody is in it, except Joshua's (not here) and Ms. Major's (ran out of time)
I'll miss you, and I'm sure the whole class will too.
I'll visit you in Grade 6.
You are the #1 teacher in the whole school!
Ms. Segec的回信: Thank you so much for the framed autographed sheet. It was very thoughtful of you to organize this project and to colour it with red! I had such a special year with the entire class, and now you've given me a special way to remember everyone.
I also wanted to thank you for the card and especially the comments you made. I appreciate all that you brought to the class, from your intelligence and hard work to your humour and ability to be a great friend.
Enjoy your summer! I hope you'll keep me up to date with your success when you begin grade 6.
All the best!
Ms. Segec

图2 封面

图3 写给Ms. Segec的信