
Weizhen Tang on Ponzi Schemes

(2010-07-12 14:47:30) 下一个

After the OSC accused Weizhen Tang of running a Ponzi scheme, the police has increased its interest in the case and has also filed charges.


A Ponzi scheme is a form of financial fraud, and is undoubtedly a criminal activity. It is the main cause of the losses of most investors in the financial markets, but not everyone that suffers losses on the market is running a Ponzi scheme.


The financial markets have many Ponzi schemers in disguise, i.e. money enclosure from the market. The securities market, under the so-called regulatory’ protection (disguise in nature), is where most Ponzi schemes reside. Many listed companies are not and cannot be profitable, but the listing of the companies led to their founders’ personal wealth and the losses of investors with the help of regulatory body. This is a common sight and also an obvious criminal act.


Through this incident, I myself have conducted an extensive study of Ponzi schemes, and have discovered that they are the fundamental cause of the problems that the markets face.


Firstly, Ponzi schemes are crimes. A motive is essential to a crime, and in the case of a Ponzi scheme, the motive exists in the fact that the investors’ funds are stolen for the criminal’s own personal gain.


Secondly, there must exists evidence against all criminals running Ponzi schemes. Without fail, they all live extravagantly in mansions, and there are signs pointing to moving financial assets to mask them from authorities. The OSC and the police do not possess any damning evidence against Weizhen Tang on the Ponzi scheme charges.


Thirdly, only those without the proper investment abilities and techniques, or those who cannot prove their abilities will turn to criminal acts.


Using the term “Ponzi scheme” in the description of Weizhen Tang is not at all suitable. Actually, as an investor, Weizhen Tang’s specialty is the ability to point out a Ponzi scheme and other financial scams in the market. He has always put his all towards combating Ponzi schemes and earning profits for his investors.


According to the definition of Ponzi schemes that the OSC has put forward in the accusations against Weizhen Tang, Everyone is Ponzi schemes in the financial markets and the system.


The accusations against Weizhen Tang of running a Ponzi scheme are blind and extremely stupid in nature. They are misleading the public and damaging the interests of the investors. Using Weizhen Tang as a scapegoat for the fraudulent behaviour in the market is grossly irresponsible and nasty.


I simply hope someone with judgment and independence can speak for justice.


Because of the mistaken accusations against me by the OSC, it has destroyed the interests of Weizhen Tang’s and his investors’. If all goes well in fighting, my investors and I can fully turn this disaster to bliss.


Everyone should believe that Weizhen Tang will not carry out a criminal act and never go against his principles. This is not the end of Weizhen Tang, but rather just his beginning on the world stage. The good parts are coming.



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