

(2010-07-20 06:31:44) 下一个
“Wen Qiang’s Quotes” in Chinese compiled by 玉宇青龙 have been popular recently. Translating them into English and posting them here may or may not be “politically incorrect”. I have to admit that they are excellent food for thought for mature and serious readers who are interested in the fundamental problems in the Chinese culture and Chinese society. I am again taking the liberty of posting all the 11 passages.

- 美坛奇葩 -



I am finally clear now after careful thinking. I have been involved in and have known too much. Without my death, a lot of people would be sleepless. There would be no end to troubles without beheading me. My death would be good for them. I could have dragged them into the water to die with me. But that would sacrifice my wife and children. Some say that I am a devil. However, I am a father, husband, and I am not as vicious to my family yet. A lot of people are anxious to see my death. I will. But I would like to make a few things clear before I take my leave.


It was said that I embezzled so much money, and slept with so many women. I do not deny those things. What I want to point out is that it is and is not me to blame. Of course, I am mostly responsible. No matter who was at that position, he would embezzle as much money, and sleep with as many women as well, or even more. Those girl students, had I not slept with, other people would have. As for “rape”, do you count that as rape? Did I bite off someone’s nipples? Did I throw someone downstairs? What I did was, in accordance with the rules of the game, what every insider is doing.


Who does not understand nowadays? As an official, if not greedy or lecherous, who would trust you, or put you at an important position? It is useless no matter how extraordinarily you do your job. There are at least hundreds of thousands, if not millions, officials like me nationwide. What can be achieved by only singling me out to condemn and put to death?


I would also like to say that I have progressed from a little local policeman to the Deputy Police Commissioner of a Directly-Governed Municipality not by way of corruption. Frankly, I am thousands of times better than those officers who are paid but do nothing day in day out. I placed my work on top priority, not corruption.


I, Wen Qiang, merely a deputy police commissioner, was able to do whatever I like in Chongqing. Who granted me such a power? Where were my superiors then? Who knew those things but still pretended not to have known?


Since I am not allowed to be alive anymore, I am ready to sacrifice myself and reveal everything: My loot is far more than that amount of money. Where is the rest? I took people\'s commissions. I could settle some of issues by myself, but I had to get help from others for other issues. Is it possible to get others to do things for you without paying money? Those who took my money and those who gave me money are now directing ordinary people to visit the exhibition of my corruption evidences. I do not deny the authenticity of the evidences, but if you make a search into those guys’ homes, you will find, I am afraid, that they will feel my amount of illicit money, and my collections of calligraphy and painting too meager, if I offer those items to them.


I, Wen Qiang, am also educated and literate. In ancient times, at the Caishikou Beheading Ground in Beijing, many people applauded the executions. But didn’t everything carry on as usual after the applauses? Have Chinese people changed in the last few centuries? I think that nothing has changed. Putting me to death is no more than making me shut up. Will this eliminate the origin of corruption? Yesterday, many people set off firecrackers on the streets in Chongqing. After I finally caught Zhang Jun, didn’t Chongqing people ignite firecrackers all over the city? I wonder if they will still set off firecrackers in a couple of years. At that time, the people who betrayed me, I am afraid, would cherish my virtue. At that time, ordinary people who do not know the truths at present, will find that I, Wen Qiang, am better.


Some ordinary people hate me because I did not put certain lawbreakers to justice, or I did not exonerate then from the injustices they suffered. Maybe I should make an apology to them before I take my leave. In some cases, if I had not taken the money from the criminals and settled the cases to their advantages, they would have given the money to my superiors, and I myself would have been “settled”. Can you blame me for all of these? What hatred did I have towards those ordinary people? Did I have to harm them for no reason? They are the victims. Am I, Wen Qiang, also a victim?


Did I, Wen Qiang, ever take any bribery 30 years ago? They honored me as a hero. In fact, what I did was no more than hard working. Since they named me as a hero, I simply had to take it. Now they say that I am a criminal. How dare I not to assume the position of a criminal?


Officials at present are even worse than those of the former KMT Government. I am only one of them. What has turned me into someone like this is the Society, the System. The reason that I have said so much is not to put all the blame on others. I still should bear the major responsibility.


Had I not transferred out of the Ba County, but continued to stay there as a little policeman, I would not have been like what I am today. Greed for merit, fame, benefit and fortune is my biggest mistake in life. After I die, my children should not use the Wen surname anymore. Take something else. My children and grandchildren should never pursue a career in the government, never be officials, and keep away from merit, fame, benefit and fortune. Being plain and peaceful is a bless.

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