
Mr. Wen’s Quote (01)

(2010-07-15 11:39:53) 下一个
I am finally clear now after thinking for some time. I have participated in and known too many. Without my death, a lot of people would be sleepless. There would be no end to troubles without beheading me. My death would be good for them. I could have dragged them into the water to die with me. But that would sacrifice my wife and children. Some say that I am a devil. However, I am a father, husband, and I am as vicious to my family yet. A lot of people are anxious to see my death. I will. But I would like to make clear a few things before I leave.

“我已经想清楚了,我参与过和知道的事情太多,我要是不死很多人就永远睡不着觉。不杀我后患无穷。我死对他们更有利。我是可以把他们拉下水陪我一起去死的。但那就要把我老婆孩子一起赔上。都说我是个恶魔,但我为人父,为人夫,还不至于对自己的家眷那么狠毒。很多人巴不得我文强马上去死。我会的,但有几句话在我走前要讲清楚。 ”
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