

English Writing for All Levels 网络学习资源

(2010-06-01 19:28:10) 下一个
All Levels:

1, English Baby
A great way to learn expressions used to talk about movies, music, sports, etc.

2, English Club Lessons
Excellent lessons, explanations and quizzes.

3, English Page Lessons
More than 20 different themes to choose from.

4, The TESL Journal Vocabulary Quizzes
Over 200 quizzes, ranging from easy to difficult.

5, Internet Picture Dictionay
Easy to use. There are 5 different exercises: Flashcards, Fill in the Shims, Word Scramble, Spelling, and Recall.

6, Better English
Many useful topics to study.

7, Manythings.org
Hundreds of vocabulary quizzes.

8, Common Errors in English
This site is dedicated to errors in usage.

9, World Wide Words
Are you curious about the origin of phrases? Do you want to know the history of words? This site is for you.

10, 99 Ways to Say "Very Good"
Learn different ways to five compliments.

General Writing

1, Tips-O-Matic
This site will help you write effective paragraphs.

2, Guide to Grammar and Writing
You will find grammar information and practice materials for sentence-level and paragraph-level grammar.

3, The UVic Writer's Guide
Learn how to develop and order paragraphs.

4, Descriptive Paragraph
Learn about writing a descriptive paragraph.

5, Model Letters
Read these example letters and then do the interactive exercises.

6, ESL Blues
Correct common mistakes to improve your writing.

7, Discourse Markers
Learn different ways to connect your ideas together.

8, Ohio ESL Writing Links
Resources on writing organization and style.

Academic Writing

1, Five-Paragraph Essay Tutorial
This site takes you through the different steps for writing a good five-paragraph essay.

2, Model Essays
Use these examples to help you understand different essay styles. Then practice with the exercises.

3, Collegeboard.com
Basic writing skills are needed for success in College. Learn the characteristics of effective writing, practice identifying sentence errors and improving sentences and paragraphs.

4, The University Writing Center
Here you will find a list of on-line resources. Under Writing Resources, you can learn about topic sentences, concluding ideas and how to develop paragraph.

5, The Writing Machine
Many tips on how to write for academic purposes.

6, Writing Exercises in Science
A series of exercises that give you a chance to write well-crafted paragraphs.

7, Advanced Composition for Non-Native Speakers of English
Learn how to write different types of essays. You can also look at examples written by students and professional writers.

Business and Work-Related Writing

1, Purdue Online Writing Lab
There is a lot of useful information here, with over 130 instructional handouts available.

2, Business Writing
This is another site to help you with job-related writing.

3, Resume Tips
Advice for resumes for St.Cloud State University.

Creative Writing

1, The English Zone
This is a fun site where you can write silly stories by filling in a questionnaire.

2, Funbrain.com
Practice your spelling by playing this game.

3, Combine your grammar and poetry skills
Write a five-line poem by following their guidelines.

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