Just recently, I got into wigs :)
Taobao (淘宝) is a wonderful place to buy for great prices: like my piece, only ¥78 (人民币,plus shipping). But my friend told me I was overcharged. She bought a same wig from another Taobao-store only for ¥48.
I love this wig soooooooo much! Long body wave and shinny brown texture (synthetic material, can’t afford real hair wig)~~ I had been concerned that this one looks a little bit fake: so full and no split ends. But all I got from my colleagues and friends was compliments!
I can't go back any more……now I just want to buy more, short, shoulder, long straight……had never thought that a wig can make a person feel so much more confident, attractive, and noticed.
My dream comes true -- long curly hair down to the waist! (Once it took me ages to get this long, but way too pricy to keep long style in Canada.)
