(2010-08-12 13:00:17)
我家是我主外LG帮很多家务活。 我不贪钱,安分过日子。
Last week, both of our cars had some big and small problems. In upper 90 degrees\' weather, I took them to the mechanics one by one, one needed towing after the initial fix, went to multiple body shops to compare prices to save money, went to Walmart to check battery change history, etc. Finally got a headache the next evening and had to slept hours and hours.
头疼又晒的难受,一身臭汗,多日的面膜都白做了,也骂LG说这不是女人做的活。其实想说的是虽然省了几百块钱,但有钱就不必省了。有钱真好的, haha...小老百姓的生活呀。