2010 (1)
2011 (1)
2017 (75)
2018 (60)
2025 (1)
据说有一个著名的"打鸟"地方, 名叫Cononwingo Dam, 位于马里兰州的北边,宾州的南边。
我也是动物摄影爱好者,但是我喜欢拍"高级动物", 那就是人。昨天我去"打人"了!
可惜, 昨天天气不好,上午下雨,下午阴天。没有多少白头鹰来抓鱼,白辛苦了这帮"打鸟人"。
1. We are late, not able to find a better spot, so stay here. Look! One in the sky!
2. Yes, I got it!
3. We got the best spot for shooting the birds! But have to come early!
4. We are waiting for the birds coming.
5. Waiting, waiting, waiting!
6. Be pateint!
7. Do not worry, we are prepared! We have brought food for all day long.
8. Still waiting!
9. Oh, One is coming!
10. Left, not caught the fish!
11. Another bird is coming?
12. Anyway, I took some photos!
13. Continue to wait!
14. Waiting for the moment!
15. Ka, Ka, Ka.......................
16. Wait for next one!
17. Waiting!
18. Just relax, we will not give up!
19. Be patient!
20. Prepared for any moment!
21. I do not have a long lens, but I still want to shoot the bird!
22. Brother, Thank you for the photo, Goog Luck!