可惜在加拿大,要干到65 岁才到退休年龄。如果身体情况允许,也许工作着是一个更好的生活状态。如今过了55岁,觉得自己的健康状态每况愈下。特别是在多伦多生活了那么多年,可以说是严重缺钙。一年里有半年是冬天不说,有阳光的日子是少之又少。偶尔遇到有阳光的日子,也不一定可以有机会出去晒晒太阳,而且冬天的阳光也是一点温度都没有的。夏天还好,晴天比较多,但通常是在办公室里一呆就是一整天。等到下了班,太阳也差不多落山了。
争取再干个5年吧,争取60岁能够退休。虽然退了休之后,经济状况一定不会有上班的时候宽裕了。不过到那个时候,吃也吃不了多少,穿也穿不了多少,一个60岁的小老太婆,就连化妆也会少很多了。这里我要说,好多60 岁的女人,她们根本不能说成是小老太婆,因为她们看起来既年轻又漂亮。
lots of people are still working in their 70s. Some never want to retire until their death. I know a guy like that. He has worked for the military for decades, starting from 19 years old. He's 75 years old now, still working full time. You do the math. How many years has he worked for the U.S. government? He has done everything from a helicopter pilot, Army ranger to special forces to 'chair forces' now. Apparently he's not short of retirement money or pension funds. Why is that? For him, working is living, once it stops, it means lights out.
In this country people deteriorate quickly after retirement. It's like all of a sudden lost ground. To take away the major things that keep people going is equal to killing them spiritedly. I think I'd be among them. The fear of not working but idling all day is great. Old horses are scared when the yolks are gone. They fear the butchers and slaughterhouse. U.S is the most productive country in the world because people are being spurred to be the perpetual workforce. We dare not sit around. Even stay-at-home moms are being criticized or looked down on for not working and making money. It's considered a not healthy lifestyle. Well, what about a 60 year old able body decides not working anymore? You get punished for that too. You can't draw your pension without penalty.