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American lackeys of Hong Kong: Martin Lee & Anson Chan

(2014-10-29 10:02:28) 下一个
It seemed that there is no unending support from NED to ‘help’ Hong Kong’s democracy.  They have brought Martin Lee & Anson Chan with meetings in Washington and Congress in order to get their 15 minutes of fame and go back to destabilize Hong Kong some more.
In 5:15 American Lackey Anson Chan says: “We are facing an identity crisis in Hong Kong, particularity in the younger generation, people born after 1987 which never known alive than Chinese sovereignty.  Hong Kong people pride themselves that we have an identity a separate from the rest of China, we have core values to the rule of law, a open transparent and accountable government, and protecting rights and freedoms under British colonial rule and is protected under the constitution. But today we see all these values eroded.”
Clearly Mrs Chan who has worked under the old British Colonial rule agrees with this and want to go back the ‘glory days’ in old Colonial days.  As far as I know, the Chief executive was appointed from someone few thousand miles away, not from people in Hong Kong.
Yes, we have people like Martin Lee who complains about direct democracy where they can vote for their own Chief Executive, however, he didn’t mention that under Hong Kong’s basic law, that he/she is elected by a 1200 people election committee.  Also, Hong Kong is following more like UK, Australia’s democracy where people don’t directly vote for their leader.  FYI, Martin Lee formed the ‘Democracy’ party after it was known that Hong Kong was going to be handed over to China.  
FYI, it didn’t take long for the American Lackey duo to appear in Western funded ‘Asian’ organizations.
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