Please provide one or more documents:
1 copy of your transportation/airline tickets;
2 pay check stubs;
3 letter from your employer that you have reported for work just prior to your reported date of departure;
4 passport stamps showing your last entry to US or entry into a foreign country
5 letter from your school during this time frame;
If you have departed the US, indicate the date:
For a favorable decision, one or a combination of the above or similar documentation must be provided. -- What is similar documentation?
至于工作证明,不知道加拿大的工作证明可否? 是否会有反作用? 因为不在美国生活?下次更新绿卡会有麻烦?
我叫他去调I-94 出入境记录,不知道他调的怎么样。像他这种情况,该怎么处理,才能顺利申请到返美证?而不影响到他的绿卡和日后的绿卡更新?恳求大家的建议和指导。谢谢。