
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

《每日一句汉译英》一周汇总 (25)

(2012-02-18 19:06:11) 下一个


法国鲁昂商学院(Rouen Business School)的一份研究报告说,工作狂──其界定因素包括对工作的投入程度、被强迫工作的感觉以及工作所带来的快感──实际上是积极的。
A paper out of the Rouen Business School in France says workaholism defined by work involvement, feelings of being compelled to work and work enjoyment can actually be constructive.
参与这项研究的管理学教授耶胡迪•巴鲁(Yehuda Baruch)认为,只要工作的欲望是自发产生的,它就可以引发出个人的成就感(我完成了那个项目!我解决了那个财务问题!),也能让公司受益(那个项目比预定的时间提前完成了!我们的客户觉得我们很棒!)。
As long as the compulsion to work is self-driven, it can lead to personal feelings of accomplishment (I finished that project! I solved that accounting problem!) and benefit the organization (That project is finished ahead of schedule! Our clients think we're great!) according to Yehuda Baruch, the management professor behind the study.

惠特尼•休斯顿(Whitney Houston)上周六去世,她的歌迷还有最后一次机会在大银幕上看到自己的偶像。

Whitney Houston fans will have one final opportunity to see their idol, who passed away on Saturday afternoon, on the big screen.

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden pledged the two nations' commitment to cooperation Tuesday, ahead of talks with President Barack Obama.

去年,麦吉尔大学(McGill University)的查托雷(Robert Zatorre)及其神经科学家团队发表的报告称,令人情绪激动的音乐可以使大脑主管愉悦和奖励的中心释放出多巴胺(dopamine),类似于美食、性爱和毒品的效果。

Last year, Robert Zatorre and his team of neuroscientists at McGill University reported that emotionally intense music releases dopamine in the pleasure and reward centers of the brain, similar to the effects of food, sex and drugs.

这首歌的催泪效果几乎家喻户晓,《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live)最近甚至在节目中上演了一出滑稽短剧,一群工作人员一起弹唱这首歌,藉此畅快淋漓地抱头痛哭了一场。

The song is so famously sob-inducing that 'Saturday Night Live' recently ran a skit in which a group of co-workers play the tune so they can all have a good cry together.


Chinese state media on Wednesday carried glowing accounts of Vice President Xi Jinping's high-profile visit to Washington, describing the U.S.-China relationship as the most important in the world. The influential Global Times newspaper also noted that Xi's meeting Tuesday with U.S. President Barack Obama fell on Valentine's Day, saying the timing suggests a romantic atmosphere across the Pacific Ocean.

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