
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

The First Snow

(2011-07-14 21:37:05) 下一个

The first snow

The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead! All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape; and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches. What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion!

Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.

(1) the living:活着的人;the dead:死去的人。形容词(有时是分词)前面加上定冠词 the 表示具有某一特性的一类人。
(2) all white=All was white, 省略句
(3) save:除……以外,介词
(4) marked its course:标示出它所经过的路线
(5) against the leaden sky:在铅灰色天空的衬托下。
(6) intricacies:这里指树枝的缠结交错。
(7) was muffled:(声音)被压抑而变得低沉
(8) beating…as the hearts of children=beating…as the hearts of children beat, 后面这个被省略的beat确作"(心脏的)搏动"解,前面那个beating别指铃儿的碰击。

More words and their definitions:

mead·ow (md)
A tract of grassland, either in its natural state or used as pasture or for growing hay.

pas·ture (pschr)
a. Grass or other vegetation eaten as food by grazing animals.
b. Ground on which such vegetation grows, especially that which is set aside for use by domestic grazing animals.
2. The feeding or grazing of animals.
v. pas·tured, pas·tur·ing, pas·tures
1. To herd (animals) into a pasture to graze.
2. To provide (animals) with pasturage. Used of land.
a. To graze on (land or vegetation).
b. To use (land) as pasture.
To graze in a pasture.

graze 1 (grz)
v. grazed, graz·ing, graz·es
1. To feed on growing grasses and herbage.
2. Informal
a. To eat a variety of appetizers as a full meal.
b. To eat snacks throughout the day in place of full meals.
1. To feed on (herbage) in a field or on pastureland.
2. To feed on the herbage of (a piece of land).
3. To afford herbage for the feeding of: This field will graze 30 head of cattle.
4. To put (livestock) out to feed.
5. To tend (feeding livestock) in a pasture.

lead·en (ldn)
1. Made of or containing lead.
a. Heavy and inert.
b. Listless; sluggish.
3. Lacking liveliness or sparkle; dull: a leaden conversation.
4. Downcast; depressed: leaden spirits.
5. Dull, dark gray in color: drizzle from a leaden sky.

leaden·ly adv.
leaden·ness n.

in·tri·ca·cy (ntr-k-s)
n. pl. in·tri·ca·cies
1. The condition or quality of being intricate; complexity.
2. Something intricate: the intricacies of a census form.

se·clu·sion (s-klzhn)
a. The act of secluding.
b. The state of being secluded. See Synonyms at solitude.
2. A secluded place or abode.

rat·tle 1 (rtl)
v. rat·tled, rat·tling, rat·tles
a. To make or emit a quick succession of short percussive sounds.
b. To move with such sounds: A train rattled along the track.
2. To talk rapidly and at length, usually without much thought: rattled on about this and that.
1. To cause to make a quick succession of short percussive sounds: rattled the dishes in the kitchen.
2. To utter or perform rapidly or effortlessly: rattled off a list of complaints.
3. Informal To fluster; unnerve: The accident rattled me. See Synonyms at embarrass.
1. A rapid succession of short percussive sounds.
2. A device, such as a baby's toy, that produces short percussive sounds.
3. A rattling sound in the throat caused by obstructed breathing, especially near the time of death.
4. The series of horny structures at the end of a rattlesnake's tail.
5. Loud or rapid talk; chatter.

tramp [træmp]
1. (intr) to walk long and far; hike
2. to walk heavily or firmly across or through (a place); march or trudge
3. (intr) to wander about as a vagabond or tramp
4. (tr) to make (a journey) or traverse (a place) on foot, esp laboriously or wearily to tramp the streets in search of work
5. (tr) to tread or trample
6. (intr) NZ to walk for sport or recreation, esp in the bush
1. a person who travels about on foot, usually with no permanent home, living by begging or doing casual work
2. a long hard walk; hike
3. a heavy or rhythmic step or tread
4. the sound of heavy treading
5. (Transport / Nautical Terms) Also called tramp steamer a merchant ship that does not run between ports on a regular schedule but carries cargo wherever the shippers desire
6. Slang chiefly US and Canadian a prostitute or promiscuous girl or woman
7. (Clothing & Fashion) an iron plate on the sole of a boot
[probably from Middle Low German trampen; compare Gothic ana-trimpan to press heavily upon, German trampen to hitchhike]

hoof (hf, hf)
n. pl. hooves (hvz, hvz) or hoofs
a. The horny sheath covering the toes or lower part of the foot of a mammal of the orders Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla, such as a horse, ox, or deer.
b. The foot of such an animal, especially a horse.
2. Slang The human foot.
v. hoofed, hoof·ing, hoofs
To trample with the hoofs.
v.intr. Slang
1. To dance, especially as a professional.
2. To go on foot; walk.

swift (swft)
adj. swift·er, swift·est
1. Moving or capable of moving with great speed; fast. See Synonyms at fast1.
2. Coming, occurring, or accomplished quickly; instant: a swift retort.
3. Quick to act or react; prompt: swift to take steps.
Swiftly. Often used in combination: swift-running.
a. A cylinder on a carding machine.
b. A reel used to hold yarn as it is being wound off.
2. Any of various small dark insect-eating birds of the family Apodidae, related to the hummingbirds and noted for their long strong wings and swift flight.
3. Any of various small, fast-moving North American lizards of the genera Sceloporus and Uta.

rat·tle 1 (rtl)
v. rat·tled, rat·tling, rat·tles
a. To make or emit a quick succession of short percussive sounds.
b. To move with such sounds: A train rattled along the track.
2. To talk rapidly and at length, usually without much thought: rattled on about this and that.
1. To cause to make a quick succession of short percussive sounds: rattled the dishes in the kitchen.
2. To utter or perform rapidly or effortlessly: rattled off a list of complaints.
3. Informal To fluster; unnerve: The accident rattled me. See Synonyms at embarrass.
1. A rapid succession of short percussive sounds.
2. A device, such as a baby's toy, that produces short percussive sounds.
3. A rattling sound in the throat caused by obstructed breathing, especially near the time of death.
4. The series of horny structures at the end of a rattlesnake's tail.
5. Loud or rapid talk; chatter.

chime 1 (chm)
1. An apparatus for striking a bell or set of bells to produce a musical sound.
2. Music A set of tuned bells used as an orchestral instrument. Often used in the plural.
3. A single bell, as in the mechanism of a clock.
4. The sound produced by or as if by a bell or bells.
5. Agreement; accord: a flawless chime of romance and reality.
v. chimed, chim·ing, chimes
a. To sound with a harmonious ring when struck.
b. To make a musical sound by striking a bell or set of bells.
2. To be in agreement or accord: harmonize: Their views chimed with ours. The seafood and wine chimed perfectly.
1. To produce (music) by striking bells.
2. To strike (a bell) to produce music.
a. To signal or make known by chiming: The clock chimed noon.
b. To call, send, or welcome by chiming.
4. To repeat insistently.
Phrasal Verb:
chime in
1. To interrupt the speech of others, especially with an unwanted opinion.
2. To join in harmoniously.
3. To go together harmoniously; agree.


初雪飘临。多么美啊!它整日整夜那么静静地飘着,落在山岭上,落在草地上,落在世人的屋顶上,落在死者的坟墓上!在一片白茫茫之中,只有河流在美丽的画面上划出一道曲曲弯弯的黑线;还有那叶儿落净的树木,映衬着铅灰色的天空,此刻更显得枝丫交错,姿态万千。初雪飘落时,是何等的宁谧,何等的幽静!一切声响都趋沉寂,一切噪音都化作柔和的音乐。再也听不见马蹄得得,再也听不见车轮辚辚!唯有雪橇的铃铛,奏和谐的乐声,那明快欢乐的节拍犹如孩子们心房的搏动。   (范钜清 译)


LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-- 1882) American poet, best known for his long narrative poems on historical subjects, especially The Song of Hiawatha (1855) and Evangeline (1847).

亨利·沃兹沃恩·朗费罗(1807-1882) 美国诗人。以他的历史题材的长篇叙事诗著名,尤其是《海华沙之歌》(1855)和《伊万杰琳》(1847)最为有名.




First snow

Fell the first snow. How beautiful! Drifting quietly over day and night, it arrived on the hill tops, on the lawns, on the roofs, and on the graves! A black curve was being drawn by the river on the white background. Trees with bald branches interleaving showed a great variety of postures and shapes under the grayish sky. How peaceful and quiet the snow flakes! Everything went dead and noises became mild music. No sound of hooves was heard and no running wheels were seen! The bells on the snow sleds delivered harmonic music with joyful rhythm like children’s beating



The First Snow

Here comes the first snow. How beautiful it is! It has been floating silently all day and all night. It falls on the mountains; it falls on the grass; it falls on the roofs of houses; it falls on the graveyards. You see there is a winding curve drawn on the vast expanse white canvas? That is the river! And look at those trees, even though their leaves have fallen completely, they are holding each other’s branches gracefully under the grey sky.
The first snow floats and falls peacefully and quietly. All the sounds tend to subside, and all the noises are softened to sweet melody. No clops, no creaks. Only the jingle bells are like children’s heart beats singing a piece of harmonious song, brightly and joyfully.



使用了 Google Language Tool 和 TheFreeDictionary.Com。

The first snow comes.  How beautilful it is!  It floats day and night quietly, falling on the mountains, falling on the grass, falling on the roof of living people, falling on the graves of the dead.  In this great expanse of whiteness, there are only a river that draws a curved black line in this beatiful scene, and the leafless trees, being silhouetted against the grey sky, that exhibit their interlaced brances and various shapes。 How serene and quiet it is when the first snow is falling.  All sounds become silence, and all noices turn into gentle music.  There are no more noises from horseshoes or wheels.  Only sleigh bells are playing homonious music, the joyful rhythm that sounds like the beating of children's heart.


The first snow came.  How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the grave of the dead.   All white except the river, that marked its course by  a winding black across the landscape, and the leafless tree that again the leaden sky now revealed more fully of wonderful beauty and intricacity of  theiir brances.   What silence too came with the snow and what was the exclusion.  Every sound is muttled.  Every noise changed to something soft and musical.  No more churping horse.  No more rattling wheels.  Only the charming of sleight bells beated as sweetly and merrily as the heart of children.



The first snow was falling. How magnificent! It quietly fell all day and all night, on the mountains, on the grass, on the roofs, and on the graves! Amidst the whiteness, only the river drew a winding black line on the beautiful picture; and the trees, with their leaves all gone, were embedded against the led-grey sky. The tree branches looked more entwined with various shapes. When the first snow was falling, everything was so peaceful and quiet.  All sounds shut down and all voices turned into gentle music. No more sounds of horse treading, nor wheels grinding. Only the bells of the snow sleigh were playing harmonious music, the joyful beats of which are like children’s heartbeats.


(based on BW's)

The first snow came. How beautiful it was! Falling so silently all day long all night long on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead. All white,  saved the river that marked its course by a winding black lines across the landscape. And the leafless trees that against the leaden sky now reviewed more flee fully the wonderful beauty and the intregacy intricacy of their branches. What silent silence too came with the snow and what was the conclusion, every sound was muffled, every voice noice changed to something soft and musical, no more traveling tramping huffs horses?(查了字典知道是hoofs), no more raveling rattling wheels, only the charming of the sleigh bells beating as swift and merrily as hearts of children.


1. Writing

The first snow came. How beautiful it was. It fell silently all day and all night, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the lives, and on the graves of the dead. Only river drew a curvy black line on the fully white beautiful ground; leafless trees show more beauty of their branches against the grey sky. How silent it was. All sounds seemed muted, all noises became light music. No more horse walking sound, no more wheels rolling noise. Only the bells of the sleighs sang as merrily as the heart beats of children.

2. Listening

The first snow

The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead. All white saved the river, that marker was caused by a winding black line across the landscape, and leafless trees that against the linden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacy of their branches. What was silence too come with the snow, and what was the collusion. Every sound was muffled; every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more trapping huffs, no more rattling wheels, only the charming of the sleigh bells beating and swift merrily at the hearts of children.


The first snow was coming. How beautiful it was!  It was quietly floated day and night, covering the hills, covering the meadows, covering the roofs of the residents' houses, and covering the  graves of the dead.   Among the mist, only the rivers drew curly black lines on the beautiful picture. In addition,  the bald trees, with the grayish sky as the background, appeared to be more interlacing and charming. When the first snow came, how silent and quiet it was.  All kinds of sounds  tent to be slient and all kinds of noise turned into tender music. The clop of horses as well as the sound of wheels were not audible any more.  Only the jingle bell played the harmonious melody with the joyous rhythm sounding as children's heart beating.

The First Snow
The first snow came. How beautiful it was falling so silently all day long all night long on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of the living, on the graves of the dead. All white saved the river that marked course by winding black lines across the landscape. And the leafless trees that against the leaden sky now reviewed more flee the wonderful beauty and the intregacy of their branches. What silent too came with the snow and what was the conclusion, every sound was muffled, every voice changed to something soft and musical, no more traveling huffs, no more raveling wheels, only the charming of the sleigh bells beating as swift and merrily as heart of children.



It is the first snow of the year. How beautiful is it! The snow flutters quietly days and nights, falling gracefully on mountain ridges, meadows, house roofs of the living, and tombs of the dead. Among the vast expanse of whiteness is a river, drawing a snaky black line on a beautiful picture. Those bald trees setting against the gray sky, look more beautiful and elegant. With the snow fluttering, how tranquil and peaceful it is! All sounds tend to be faded away; all noises are turned to soft music. Clip-clop of horse's hooves and rattle of car’s wheels cannot be heard any longer. Only the bells on sleighs make harmonious music, with joyous meter just like the beat of children’s heart.


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