
Life\'s a dream. Never too old to learn stupid things. :-)

Half-Marathon PR

(2010-12-05 13:33:20) 下一个
Today I participated in a Half-Marathon race (13.1 miles) and finished it in 1:50:06 (8:24 per mile).  My first participation in the event was nearly four years ago in a different city.  I beat my first race by about 3 minutes thus set my new P(ersonal) R(ecord).
How good is my running any way, one may ask.  Here are the numbers just retrived from the event's website:
There are 10K people who registered for the Half (limited set by the organizer) and 9853 finishers.  Of all the finishers, 3844 are men and 5514 are  women.  My overall place is 1223 (> 85%).  Place by gender is 882 (>75%) and division (by gender and age) place is 106 out of 453 (> 75%).
What are costs?  $75 early registeratin fee plus two round trips to the race site.  One trip before the race day is to pick up the registration package.  My Bib number is 880X.

What are the benifits?  The registration package includes a long sleeve white shirt with the event logo on the front and a tag which is tied to the lace of one of my shoes for tracking race time.  It's the tag time that really reflects its bearer's running time.  Any runner who passed the finish line, also received a medal and a finisher's T-shirt.  Later they will mail me a certificate.  Part of the registration fee will be donated to a children's hopital.  Along the way, there are supporters and water stations.  My names (printed on the Bib) has been called serveral times during the race which helped to make the running more fun.
(to be continued)

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